Five distinguished teachers win Teaching Excellence Awards

Karen Lai


The Quality Assurance Committee (QAC) today announced the Teaching Excellence Award (TEA) winners for 2004-05. The Awards pay tribute to distinguished teachers for their commitment to providing excellent professional education to the University’s student body.


This year, five dedicated teachers from various disciplines receive the honour. They are: Ms Cheung Ho-ming, Instructor, Department of English and Communication; Dr Robert Davison, Associate Professor, Department of Information Systems; Mr Angel Garralda, Instructor, Department of English and Communication; Mr John Lai, Instructor, Department of Management; and Dr Lawrence Wu, Associate Professor, Department of Physics and Materials Science. The winners are conferred the TEA for their exemplary quality as teachers and their continuous contributions to student motivation in addition to their outstanding performance in areas such as reflective pedagogy and their competence in bringing real-life industry experience to CityU students. The TEA winners will receive the honour at this year’s Congregation and their names will be engraved on the TEA Plaque at the entrance of the Academic Building, bringing the total number of TEA recipients to 64. 


CityU’s President Professor H K Chang has appointed Professor Joseph Cheng, Chair Professor of Political Science, to be Chairman of the QAC, effective from mid-April 2005 to 31 August 2007. Professor Cheng succeeds the Chairmanship of an ex-officio member of the Committee, Professor Richard Ho, Dean of Undergraduate Education. Professor Lilian Vrijmoed, Dean of Student Learning, also has become an ex-officio member.


Launched in 1993-94, CityU’s Teaching Excellence Awards scheme, upholding the importance of professional education through recognition of outstanding teachers, is the first of its kind in Hong Kong. The TEA also reflects the University’s commitment to enhancing the quality of education in Hong Kong and the region.



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