Proud of CityU, Proud of yourself

David Lue


A team of  Citywalkers formed by the Proud of 20 will participate in the annual Trailwalker on 5-7 November. And in the process, they hope to build solidarity among CityU members and to raise HK$200,000 for Oxfam. 



The Proud of 20 campaign kicked off one week before the start of the marathon Trailwalker when Council Chairman Sir Gordon Wu and the University President Professor H K Chang passed the CityU flag to the Citywalkers at the CityU Banquet held 29 October. The brave hikers were given words of encouragement and urged to be proud of themselves and their achievements. 


Proud of 20 is a group of enthusiastic alumni, staff and students wanting to celebrate the University’s 20th anniversary by participating in the Trailwalker. It has a core group of 20 hikers, while more than a hundred CityU members are helping with promotion, fund-raising, training, logistics, and on-site support. 


The hikers will begin their trek on the morning of 5 November at Pak Tam Chung, Sai Kung, and make an historic mark for the University when the whole team finishes the 100-km trail at 3 am, 7 November.  


Supporting the cause

At the kick-off ceremony, the core team of Citywalkers, half students and half staff and alumni, promised to complete the task together despite differences in speed and skill. Support so far has been excellent. "We are most grateful to have the management support and will try our best to meet the donation target," said alumnus Dr Bryan Wong, Chairman of the Proud of 20 Organizing Committee.


And the team would be grateful for any more help from volunteers. "We have seven checkpoints when you people can give support to the walkers and we still need more donations and support in areas like transporting helpers, food and water, helping hands for massage and cheering team to boost the walkers' spirits," Dr Wong said.


Building solidarity and social consciousness 

The Proud of 20 athletes have been in training since June during which time alumni, staff and students have built up a strong bond.


“Completing the trail in unison within 48 hours is definitely not an easy task. But I believe we can make this move together. We have undergone disciplinary practices together, and more importantly, we have built up a team spirit, being able to support each other,” Dr Wong added.


He hopes the event will unite CityU people to help charitable organizations while at the same time celebrate the University's 20th anniversary. “We hope this will raise a culture of caring society among CityU members," he said. 


Mr Chan Sik-wing, one of the first batch of CityU graduates, joined the Proud of 20 as hiker not only because of his interest but also of his desire to share his hiking experience with others. “We have set up an online forum where I am able to share my experience with the other; also we gather regularly to practice trail walking,” he said.


“According to the Trailwalker, there are usually 60 to 70 per cent of participants who can complete 100km, and I hope all of us can do so with our motivation being synergized," Mr Chan said.  


Mr Shea Koon-wah, Principal Lecturer of the Division of Commerce, has taught at CityU for more than 10 years and said he had never seen this kind of widely organized function involving alumni, teachers and students. “What the success of Proud of 20 implies is that we will be able to cooperate in accomplishing another meaningful achievement in education,” he said.


Danny Ho, a third year student, has treasured the experience as a Citywalker and as a helper in the Organizing Committee. “The Organizing Committee is responsible for promotion. Members have produced banners, sent emails to students and set up donation booths at the i-café to raise fund. I can feel the synergy among us as we all want to make Proud of 20 a successful campaign,” he said.


Alumni Mr Matthew Chong and Mr Patrick Lee are acting as coaches for the Citywalkers. “I think my emotion would really be triggered if we complete the 100km together. This is because we are well prepared and have devoted much of our time for making the event a success,” Mr Chong said.“We have given a lot to the Proud of 20 and hope the event will get more support in return.”


Mr Lee said the team had been through intensive training, both physical and spiritual, during the past few months. “Now we are all ready to go, and we hope CityU people can walk through this journey with us.”


Staff and students can visit the Proud of 20 website for further details about donation, routes and on-site support arrangement.



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