CityU's homepage with Chinese flair
As the official language of the University is English, the CityU website is essentially an English site with the majority of pages written in English only. A Chinese website has been developed as an auxiliary to the English one. The Chinese webpages are not necessarily direct translations of the English pages; rather, they are complementary descriptions of the University, its departments/units, or reports on particular events and activities.
"The Chinese website will not only facilitate Chinese language users, but also enhance the University's image, in the context of extending our reach on the mainland," said Dr Jerry Yu, Chief Information Officer. His office intends to provide, in a systematic and consistent presentation, more Chinese webpages, from the central to the departmental homepages. It is hoped that the complete Chinese website will be available by the start of the 2004-05 academic year.All departments/units will be asked to provide Chinese versions, in accordance with specific guidelines approved by the Committee on Information Services and Technology (CIST). A general principle is that each department must decide to use either English or Chinese as the default language for its webpages, and, at the same time, provide an introduction to the department in the other language as an auxiliary.
The University's new homepage was launched in August 2003 by adopting a layered structure of information/services delivery and consolidating various web facilities into the e-Portal. Seeking to become an exemplary higher education institution in the application of IT, CityU is committed to creating an environment in which IT is a natural support to all its activities and process, in both academic and administrative areas.