Outstanding students awarded

Regina Lau


CityU's top students were awarded scholarships, prizes and donations for their outstanding performance in academics, sports, arts and community services, at a presentation ceremony held at Wei Hing Theatre on March 20.

More than 360 awards totaling $4.5 million were presented at the annual ceremony organized by Student Development Services. "Dream big, work hard and success will be yours," said Professor Edmond Ko, Vice-President (Education) and Dean of Students, inaugurating the ceremony. "The awards not only represent recognition of your achievement, but also our expectation that great things will come from you."

Over 100 donors, from a wide spectrum of corporations and organizations in Hong Kong, offered prizes and awards to the University's accomplished students. Senior Student Development Officer Mrs Roslyn Li said: "We are glad that in spite of the economic doldrums, the amount of donations we receive this

year measured up to the level of the past few years. In fact, we can now offer a greater variety of awards."  

More than 60 guest-donors attended the ceremony to present prizes to students. "The award presentation is a good opportunity for our donors to meet our students and also to learn about developments at CityU," Mrs Li said.



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