Intelligent Platform for Financial Information Retrieval and Analysis


We are developing a one-stop platform using two CityU patents invented by our partners and advisor. Our target users are financial market professionals. The software will integrate an intelligent long-text search engine with AI-based textual analysis tools. We will also provide value-added services, including database construction, custom software development, and project-based research.

Our platform will have four primary functions:

  1. Long-text search – Users input a long query, such as a Word or pdf document or a detailed description of their search needs. The platform returns a list of highly professional search results with relevance scores.
  2. Automated textual analysis – The software analyzes the input article or search results, and outputs summary texts and statistics, such as market sentiment and impact evaluation.
  3. Language translation assistance – This automatically translates the input document to search for more relevant and accurate information. It provides the results in the user's preferred language.
  4. 'Most important information' dashboard – Based on an analysis of news agencies and social media data, this ranks and displays essential information of the day, week and month.

The project aims to make decision-making in the business environment more effortless and effective by shortening the learning and analysis processes of professionals. More importantly, our products and services will increase the objectivity and accuracy of market research. The project could ultimately increase the level of automation in financial market research and policy-making by combining economic theory, market experience, data science and cutting-edge informational technology. Therefore, it may contribute to Hong Kong's comparative advantage as an international financial centre.



Team members

Ms Qiu Xiaocun* (University of Oxford)
Dr Xu Ruiyun (Alumna, Dept. of Information Systems, CityU)
Professor Wu Yixiang (The University of Louisiana at Lafayette)
Dr Qu Yuanshuo (Rutgers University)
Ms Lan Lili (Hong Kong Baptist University)

* Person-in-charge
(Info based on the team's application form)

  1. CityU HK Tech 300 Seed Fund (2022)