EduGPT – Immersive General Education System


Existing educational products are designed predominantly in a teacher-centric and parent-centric manner. They develop teaching-assisting techniques, such as online classrooms, and provide service in a limited domain, such as language teaching. But these products cannot encourage broad, self-motivated learning.

To address this, we aim to design a student-centric product to promote students' intrinsic willingness to develop wider fields of interest. Specifically, we propose an Immersive General Education (IGE) system, which generates virtual educational scenarios and fosters interactive learning experiences, with three main features:


  1. extensive student engagement,
  2. learning practical skills in desired fields, and
  3. improving creativity and innovation ability.


Team member(s)

Mr Li Wuyang* (PhD student, Department of Electrical Engineering, City University of Hong Kong)
Mr Yang Chen (PhD student, Department of Electrical Engineering, City University of Hong Kong)
Mr Wang Wei (Western University)
Mr Xu Kai (University of Electronic Science and Technology of China)
Miss Liu Xiaoyuan (PhD student, Department of Electrical Engineering, City University of Hong Kong)

* Person-in-charge
(Info based on the team's application form)


  1. CityU HK Tech 300 Seed Fund (2023)