
Impact of Giving

Professor Alex Jen Kwan-yue and Professor Pan Chin
Professor Alex Jen Kwan-yue* & Professor Pan Chin^
*Lee Shau Kee Chair Professor of Materials Science
^CLP Power Chair Professor of Nuclear Engineering
Named Professorship Scheme addressing the energy crisis through sustainable and clean energy

A growing world population requires a vast amount of energy, which inevitably leads to an increase in greenhouse gas emissions. Achieving net-zero carbon emission goals depends strongly on targeted R&D and technological innovations.

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Professor Zhang Hua
Professor Zhang Hua
Herman Hu Chair Professor of Nanomaterials, Department of Chemistry
Named Professorship Scheme promotes excellence in research - Nanomaterials are everywhere

Keen to create a vast range of useful unconventional materials from almost anything, one of CityUHK's top chemists and nanotechnology scientists is happy for others to apply them usefully for the advancement of humankind.

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Michael Tam Ming-hong and Ng King-kwan
Michael Tam Ming-hong and Ng King-kwan
Graduates of the School of Creative Media
Innovative solutions enhance social inclusion - 80% of participants in immersive-visualisation project show increase in Empathy

When CityUHK launched the Jockey Club Enhancing Youth Empathy Project through Immersive Visualisation (the Project) in 2017, Year 2 students Ng King-kwan and Michael Tam Ming-hong in the School of Creative Media (SCM) were attracted by the concept of "empathy", which was rarely featured in the rating scheme of any competitive games or projects they had previously entered.

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Professor Michael Yang Mengsu
Professor Michael Yang Mengsu
Yeung Kin Man Chair Professor of Biomedical Sciences
Acting Dean, Jockey Club College of Veterinary Medicine and Life Sciences
Safeguarding well-being through biomedical science - Named Professorship Scheme promotes excellence in research

Technological innovation holds great promise for the medical field, and one of the top scientists at CityUHK is dedicated to bridging these two domains.

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Professor Frank Chen Youhua
Professor Frank Chen Youhua
Dean of College of Business
Head and Chair Professor of Department of Management Sciences
Data driven health management supports older patients with chronic diseases - Visionary donation brings huge impact on society

“The Hong Kong healthcare system is facing on-going challenges in a rapidly ageing population, which results in overburdened hospitals,” said Professor Frank Chen Youhua, Dean of the College of Business. Professor Chen has shown how management science contributed a significant role in elderly care through a project in establishing an innovative chronic disease management programme with a strong focus on data science.

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EMS students
EMS Students
Tse Ming-yi, Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine
Joey Lam, Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine
Extramural studies at Cornell inspire veterinary students

Donations for One Health initiative enhance learning experience.

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CityU dominants local universities sports
Students Athletes
Hugo Poon Sheung-hei, Bachelor of Science in Surveying
Wharton Chan Wan-tung, Bachelor of Social Sciences in Asian and International Studies
Jason Cheng Kin-man, Bachelor of Laws (Honours) and Postgraduate Certificate in Laws
Grace Lau Mo-sheung, Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Creative Media
Motivating CityUHK students to develop talents - Scholarships help transform students’ experience.

There are always ways to balance academic and talent development. Thanks to the generosity of donors, four CityUHK students and alumni exemplify how they strive a balance and become all-rounded persons.

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Forest Chan Che
Graduate of Bachelor of Business Administration
Joint Bachelor’s Degree Programme scholarships change students’ lives

Forest Chan Che, a Bachelor of Business Administration graduate, embarked on his journey at Columbia University in 2016, thanks to a scholarship provided by Mr James Liu Ying-yin, an alumnus of CityUHK and a member of the CityUHK Foundation’s Board of Governors. Forest's hallmates at Columbia came from around the world. Many of them already had successful careers, but were there to pursue Master’s, PhD or post-doctoral degrees. “I found the experience of exchanging ideas with those students really eye-opening,” he said.

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Gigi Yan Ying-fong
Graduate of the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences
Joint Bachelor’s Degree Programme scholarships change students’ lives

Gigi Yan Ying-fong, a graduate of the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences, remembered a day during her third year when she brought home two pieces of news: one good and one bad. The good news was that she had been admitted to the City University of Hong Kong-Columbia University Joint Bachelor’s Degree Programme. The bad news was that she could not afford it.

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Chan Tsz-lung
Graduate of the Department of Mechanical Engineering
A dream of the perfect wheelchair comes true for the benefit of those in need

Chan Tsz-lung, a fresh graduate from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, has always imagined the perfect wheelchair in memory of his late grandfather.

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