Page 12 - Annual_Report_2015_2016
P. 12

Report on the Foundation

               Dr & Mrs Yeung Kin-man make a HK$200 million          楊建文伉儷捐贈港幣二億元支持城大
               donation to support CityU's development               發展

               A HK$200 million donation from Dr Yeung Kin-man, JP to   城大獲楊建文博士太平紳士捐款二億港
               CityU supports our School of Veterinary Medicine (SVM),   元,以支持動物醫學院、學生海外交流、
               students’ overseas exchanges, endowed Chair Professorships   冠名講座教席,以及其他大學策略性
               and other strategic developments. The gift from Dr Yeung   發展。楊博士的捐款,足證城大在專業
               is testament to society’s recognition and support to CityU’s   教育和科研方面均獲社會肯定和支持。
               professional education and technology research.
               A  local  entrepreneur,  Dr  Yeung  is  the  founder  and  chief   兼總裁,是本地實業家。該公司是全球最
               executive of Biel Crystal (Hong Kong) Manufactory Limited,
               the world’s largest manufacturer of glass covers and   名手錶所用之藍寶石錶面製造商。這是
               touchscreens for mobile phones, and sapphire glass covers
               for famous Swiss watches. It is the first time that Dr Yeung   城大歷來獲得的最大一筆捐款。
               has donated to a university in Hong Kong and it is the
               largest donation that CityU has ever received.

                        Dr Yeung Kin-man, JP (right) donated HK$200 million
                        to support CityU’s advancement.

       City University of Hong Kong Foundation  香港城市大學基金

                                                                              Officiating guests at the donation ceremony included
                                                                              (from left) Mr Mai Jiao-meng, Professor Way Kuo,
                                                                              Mrs Yeung, Dr Yeung, The Honourable C Y Leung,
                                                                              Dr Norman Leung Nai-pang, Mr Herman Hu Shao-ming
                                                                              and Mr Ai Xue-feng.
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