Page 16 - Annual_Report_2015_2016
P. 16

Report on the Foundation

                                                  CityU and the Rotary District 3450 co-organise donation scheme

                                                   The "Rotary • CityU Nurturing Future Generation" donation scheme offers different kinds of scholarships
                                                   and bursaries to students. Members of the Rotary Club are very supportive of the development of
                                                   CityU's students.

                                                  「扶輪 •城就未來」捐款計劃為學生提供不同類型的獎學金和助學金計劃,多位扶輪社社員大力支持城大

                                                  Naming of Rotary Club of New Territories                     學術樓(一)課室以新界扶輪社命名
                                                                                                               城 大 在 2 0 1 5 年 8 月 2 2 日 將 學 術 樓( 一 )
                                                  On 22 August 2015, Classroom Y5-202 in Academic 1            Y 5 - 2 0 2 課 室 正 式 命 名 為「 新 界 扶 輪 社 課
                                                  has been officially named “Rotary Club of New Territories    室 」, 以 表 彰 國 際 扶 輪 3 4 5 0 地 區 總 監
                                                  Classroom”. This was in recognition of the generous          彭志宏醫生及新界扶輪社基金委員會主委
                                                  support from Dr Peter Pang Chi-wang, District Governor       柯錫齡先生對大學的慷慨支持。彭醫生
                                                  2015–16 of Rotary District 3450, and Mr Or Sik-ling,         表示,希望透過推動「扶輪•城就未來」捐
                                                  Foundation Committee Chairman of Rotary Club of New          款計劃,邀請更多扶輪社社員捐款支持城
                                                  Territories. As co-founder of the “Rotary • CityU Nurturing  大學生發展,幫助優秀的
                                                  Future Generations” donation scheme, Dr Pang earnestly       同學精益求精。
                                                  encouraged Rotary Club members to render support for
                                                  the scheme and assist outstanding CityU students on their
                                                  quests for academic achievements.

City University of Hong Kong Foundation 香港城市大學基金                                      Professor Way Kuo presented souvenirs
                                                                                      to Dr Peter Pang Chi-wang (right) and
                                                                                      Mr Or Sik-ling (left).

                    I believe that one of the most important investments in everyone’s life is
                    education. I sincerely hope that business leaders from all sectors will
                    continue to give back to society by joining the CityU Foundation.


                                                                                                 Dr Steve T Chen

                                                                        Member of Board of Governors, CityU Foundation


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