Page 15 - Annual_Report_2015_2016
P. 15

China Resources (Holdings) Co. Ltd. supports          華潤(集團)有限公司資助內地少數
               ethnic minorities from mainland                       民族生入讀城大

                                                                                   The scholarship recipients presented a
                                                                                   Chinese ink painting to Mr Tony Wei Yao-dong
                                                                                   (6th from right) and Mr Kevin Liang Zhu-qiang
                                                                                   (5th from right) and took photo together with
                                                                                   Professor Way Kuo (6th from left) and Professor
                                                                                   Matthew Lee Kwok-on (5th from left).

                                                Professor Way Kuo (right)
                                                received the donation cheque
                                                from Mr Tony Wei Yao-dong

               A scholarship has been set up using the donation of
               HK$3.6 million from China Resources (Holdings) Co. Ltd.
               (CR). The China Resources Ethnic Minorities Scholarship
               supports ethnic minority students from mainland China
               to study at CityU. A ceremony was held at the University
               campus on 1 February 2016 to celebrate its establishment.
               Officiating guests included Mr Tony Wei Yao-dong  and    捐贈360萬港元,成立「華潤少數民族獎
               Mr Kevin Liang Zhu-qiang, both assistant directors from
               CR’s Directors’ Office.                               城大求學。捐贈儀式於2016年2月1日在城大

               CR had also sponsored some of the scholarship recipients   室助理總監魏耀東先生及梁柱強先生。
               and other interested students to take part in voluntary
               services at Jinzhai CR Hope Town in Anhui Province. There   除成立獎學金外,華潤集團亦資助部分獲
               they helped people in need, contributed to society and   獎學生和其他有興趣的學生到位於安徽省
               were exposed to different life experiences. Beneficiaries of   的金寨華潤希望小鎮參與義工活動,服務
               the scholarship included students from Guangxi, Quizhou,   有需要的人,回饋社會,獲取不同的生活                      Annual Report 2015–2016 年報
               Ningxia, and Yunnan Provinces. At the donation ceremony,   體驗。獲資助的學生分別來自廣西、
               they shared their reflections on their voluntary work and   貴州、寧夏、雲南,他們在捐贈儀式上分享
               presented the CR representatives with a Chinese ink   義工服務的感受,並將親手繪製的水墨畫
               painting which was done by themselves.                送給華潤集團,以表謝意。
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