CityU Statutes
Statute 1: Interpretation
In these Statutes, unless the context otherwise requires:
- 1.
- 'Academic staff' means the full-time teaching and research staff of the University appointed on Academic Staff terms of service, Academic and Equivalent Administrative Staff terms of service or Clinical Grade Staff terms of service;
- 2.
- 'Academic year' means such period not exceeding twelve consecutive months, and 'semester' means such part of an academic year, as the Senate shall determine from time to time;
- 3.
- 'Chairman' means any person who chairs a meeting and the word shall be taken as gender neutral. Use of alternative terms, for example 'Chairperson', 'Chair', 'Chairlady' shall be at the absolute discretion of the person chairing the meeting;
- 4.
- 'Course' means the basic units of instruction into which students are registered and for which grades may be assigned;
- 5.
- 'Member of staff' means any person who is in the full-time employment of the University excluding those appointed on temporary terms of service;
- 6.
- 'Ordinance' means the City University of Hong Kong Ordinance;
- 7.
- 'Polytechnic' means City Polytechnic of Hong Kong;
- 8.
- 'Chair Professor' means any person appointed as a Professor of the University within the professorial salary range, and excludes Emeritus Professors, Honorary Professors, Visiting Professors and Adjunct Professors;
- 9.
- 'Programme' means the structured academic programme leading to a named award of the University into which students are registered;
- 10.
- 'Regulation' means any regulation made pursuant to the Ordinance or these Statutes;
- 11.
- 'Student' means any student registered on a programme of study leading to the degrees or other academic awards of the University as approved by the Senate;
- 12.
- 'University', 'Chancellor', 'Pro-Chancellor', 'Statutes', 'Court', 'Council', 'Convocation', 'Senate', 'Faculty', shall have respectively the same meaning as they have in the Ordinance;
- 13.
- Reference to Faculties includes equivalent bodies as defined by the Council on the recommendation of the Senate;
- 14.
- Reference to academic departments includes equivalent bodies as defined by Senate;
- 15.
- Words used throughout the Statutes are gender neutral;
- 16.
- Words in the singular shall include the plural, and vice-versa; and
- 17.
- Words defined in the Ordinance shall have the same meaning in the Statutes.
Statute 2: Making and Revision of the Statutes
- 1.
- Under the Ordinance, the Council may make Statutes for the administration of the University and for matters that the Ordinance provides for inclusion in a Statute.
- 2.
- The Council shall appoint a Committee on Statutes comprising an equal number of members from the Council, the Senate, and the Management Board for the purpose of considering proposals to make new Statutes, or to revise existing Statutes.
- 3.
- The approval by the Council of any proposal to introduce new Statutes, or to revise existing Statutes, must be passed by the votes of not less than three quarters of the members present and voting.
Statute 3: Principal Officers of the University
- 1.
- The following shall be the Principal Officers of the University:
- (1)
- The Chancellor, who, when present, shall preside at meetings of the Court and at Congregations of the University.
- (2)
- The Pro-Chancellor, who shall be appointed by the Chancellor for a term to be determined by the Chancellor, and who, on the authorization of the Chancellor and on the Chancellor's behalf, may exercise any of the powers or perform any of the duties conferred or imposed on the Chancellor by the Ordinance.
- (3)
- The Chairman of the Council, the Deputy Chairman, and the Treasurer, who shall be appointed by the Chief Executive from among those members of the Council appointed under subsection 10(1)(f) of the Ordinance, and who shall discharge such functions as may be determined by Statute or by the Council.
- (4)
- The President, who shall be appointed for such period and on such terms as may be determined by the Council.
- 2.
- One of the Principal Officers shall preside at Congregations of the University in the absence of both the Chancellor and Pro-Chancellor.
- 3.
- The Chairman of the Council shall have the authority:
- (1)
- to consider and take action on behalf of the Council when a meeting of the Council is not imminent on any matter normally considered by the Council, with the exception of matters which are precluded from delegation by the Ordinance;
- (2)
- to appoint Acting President and Acting Deputy President.
- 4.
- Should the position of the Chairman of the Council fall vacant, the Deputy Chairman shall act as Chairman and assume the duties of the Chairman until a new appointment is made.
- 5.
- The President shall:
- (1)
- undertake such duties as may be determined by the Ordinance and supplemented by Statute or by the Council, and shall have a general responsibility to the Council for maintaining and promoting the efficiency and good order of the University, and to the Senate for the academic leadership of the University;
- (2)
- have authority to make staff appointments below the rank of Vice-President;
- (3)
- nominate to the Council for endorsement of staff appointments at the rank of Vice-President and above.
Statute 4: Powers of the Council
- 1.
- The Council is the supreme governing body of the University and, as such, may exercise all powers conferred and shall perform all of the duties imposed on the University by the Ordinance. It shall have power to do all such things as are necessary for, or incidental or conducive to, or connected with, the furtherance of the University's objectives, and in particular those set out in Section 7 of the Ordinance.
- 2.
- The Council shall also have the power to:
- (1)
- recommend to the Chancellor the appointment of a Pro-Chancellor;
- (2)
- appoint the President by a resolution passed by not less than three quarters of its members for the time being;
- (3)
- authorize or ratify the affixing to documents of the Common Seal of the University;
- (4)
- appoint auditors.
- 3.
- In addition to the particular powers set out in Sections 1 and 2 above, the Council may also discharge the following in accordance with the terms of the relevant section of the Ordinance:
- (1)
- appoint a Deputy President by resolutions passed by not less than three quarters of its members for the time being;
- (2)
- appoint an acting President or an acting Deputy President, as necessary, and delegate such appointment to the Council Chairman;
- (3)
- remove from office the President or the Deputy President on grounds of misconduct, incompetence, inefficiency or other good cause, by resolution passed by not less than three quarters of its members for the time being;
- (4)
- appoint other persons as employees of the University;
- (5)
- make and execute any document in the performance or exercise of the University's objectives or powers, or in connection with any matter incidental to or consequential upon the performance or exercise of the same;
- (6)
- make Statutes;
- (7)
- create and appoint committees for any general or special purposes as it thinks fit;
- (8)
- delegate in writing, with or without restrictions or conditions as it thinks fit, any of its power and duties to any person or committee, subject to the restrictions imposed by the Ordinance;
- (9)
- establish Faculties and other equivalent bodies on the recommendation of the Senate;
- (10)
- provide for by Regulations any matters which it is empowered to regulate by the Ordinance or the Statutes.
Statute 5: The Court
- 1.
- The Court shall discharge the functions assigned to it under Section 8A of the Ordinance.
- 2.
- The membership of the Court shall comprise:
- (a)
- the Principal Officers of the University;
- (b)
- the Deputy President, the Provost, the Vice-Presidents, the Associate Vice-Presidents, the Associate Provosts, the Deans and their equivalent;
- (c)
- the Members of the Council;
- (d)
- the Members of the Senate;
- (e)
- not more than 20 members, appointed by the Chancellor, on the recommendation of the Council;
- (f)
- not more than 20 members appointed by the Council.
- 3.
- The Secretary to the Court shall be appointed by the President.
- 4.
- The Chancellor shall preside at meetings of the Court. In the absence of the Chancellor, the Pro-Chancellor or, in his absence, the Chairman of the Council, shall preside.
- 5.
- Ex officio members shall continue as members so long as they hold the office by virtue of which they are members of the Court.
- 6.
- Members appointed under Section 2(e) shall hold office for three years or a lesser period as determined by the Chairman of the Court and shall be eligible for re-appointment.
- 7.
- Members appointed under Section 2(f) shall hold office for three years or a lesser period as determined by the Council and shall be eligible for re-appointment.
- 8.
- Vacancies shall be filled as they occur or as soon thereafter as may be convenient and such persons appointed shall normally hold office for the unexpired term of the person replaced.
- 9.
- Any member of the Court other than an ex officio member may resign in writing addressed to Secretary to the Court.
- 10.
- The Court shall meet at least once in each academic year, although the Chairman of the Court may convene a meeting at any time.
- 11.
- One-fourth of the membership of the Court for the time being shall form a quorum for meetings.
- 12.
- The President may require any member of the University to be present at a meeting of the Court for the purpose of providing supplementary information on matters being considered by the meeting. Such persons shall not have the right to vote, nor shall they form part of the quorum required for the meeting.
Statute 6: The Senate
- 1.
- Subject to the provisions of the Ordinance, the Senate shall have the power:
- (1)
- to make decisions on the award of degrees and other academic awards of the University other than honorary degrees or other honorary awards;
- (2)
- to plan, approve, develop, maintain, regulate and promote all teaching, programmes of study, research and other academic work in the University, and to formulate policies accordingly;
- (3)
- to approve the discontinuation of any programme of study;
- (4)
- to advise the Council on any matter which is relevant to the educational work of the University;
- (5)
- to make recommendations to the Council on the establishment of Faculties and other equivalent bodies, and to approve the establishment of academic departments;
- (6)
- to make recommendations to the Management Board or the Council, as appropriate, on the criteria and methodologies for the allocation of resources to support the academic work of the University, and on the development and operation of required facilities;
- (7)
- to prescribe the requirements for admission as a student of the University;
- (8)
- to regulate the conditions for the conferment of academic awards, other than honorary degree and honorary awards, of the University;
- (9)
- to regulate all examinations and assessments conducted by the University;
- (10)
- to terminate a student's programme of study on academic grounds;
- (11)
- to deprive, for reasons which the Senate shall deem to be good cause, any graduate of an academic award conferred by the University or the Polytechnic and/or to revoke any certification granted;
- (12)
- to advise the President on the welfare and discipline of students in the University;
- (13)
- to regulate the institution of scholarships, bursaries, prizes and other similar awards;
- (14)
- to nominate to membership of the Council, as provided for in Section 10(1) of the Ordinance;
- (15)
- to advise the Council on any matter which may be referred to the Senate by the Council;
- (16)
- to report to the Council as necessary;
- (17)
- to refer any matter to a Faculty Board or an equivalent body for consideration and report;
- (18)
- to appoint committees, working parties and similar bodies for the purpose of discharging the powers conferred on the Senate, and to approve their terms of reference and membership;
- (19)
- generally to take all necessary action to discharge the powers and duties conferred on the Senate by the Council or to further the purposes of the Senate set out in Section 17 of the Ordinance.
- 2.
- The Senate shall comprise:
- (1)
- the President, who shall be the chairman;
- (2)
- the Deputy President;
- (3)
- the Provost;
- (4)
- the Vice-Presidents;
- (5)
- the Associate Vice-Presidents;
- (6)
- the Associate Provosts;
- (7)
- the Chief Information Officer;
- (8)
- the Dean of Graduate Studies;
- (9)
- the Deans of Colleges, and such office holders in an equivalent body of the University as are determined by the Council on the recommendation of the Senate;
- (10)
- the Heads of academic departments or such office holders in an equivalent body of the University as are determined by the Senate;
- (11)
- all Chair Professors who are not otherwise members;
- (12)
- the Librarian;
- (13)
- the Director of the School of Continuing and Professional Education;
- (14)
- one member of the full-time academic staff of each academic department or equivalent body of the University as determined by the Senate, elected by and from among their number in that department or equivalent body, as appropriate;
- (15)
- one member of the full-time academic staff of each school as defined by the Council on the recommendation of the Senate to be equivalent to a faculty, elected by and from among their number in that school;
- (16)
- one member of the full-time staff elected by and from among Instructors II/Instructors I/Tutors/Senior Tutors/Teaching Fellows/Senior Teaching Fellows in academic departments, schools, centres or equivalent body of the University as determined by the Senate;
- (17)
- two students nominated by the Students' Union;
- (18)
- one postgraduate student nominated by the CityU Postgraduate Association.
- 3.
- The Secretary of the Senate shall be appointed by the President.
- 4.
- One half of the number of members for the time being shall form a quorum at a meeting of the Senate.
- 5.
- The Senate shall meet at least once each semester, or more frequently as determined by the President or by a majority of its members for the time being. The dates of Ordinary meetings shall be specified in the University website. Members shall receive advance notice of any Special meeting.
Statute 7: The Management Board
The Management Board advises the President on matters relating to the development and management of the University and provides a major channel of communication between the senior management and the University community.
- 1.
- The Board provides advice to the President including the following:
- (a)
- the development of strategic plans and associated financial plans for the University;
- (b)
- the methodology for establishing budgets and other resource allocation matters;
- (c)
- University policies and associated procedures in the following areas:
- (i)
- administration and management;
- (ii)
- financial planning and control;
- (iii)
- staffing matters;
- (iv)
- student affairs;
- (v)
- risk management;
- (vi)
- development & external relations.
- 2.
- To fulfill its role as a major channel of communication, the Board receives regular reports on the following:
- (a)
- progress on the implementation of proposals in the Strategic Plan;
- (b)
- the University's recurrent and capital finances;
- (c)
- capital projects undertaken by the University;
- (d)
- reports as appropriate, from other University committees and from administrative offices, as directed by the President.
- 3.
- The Management Board shall comprise:
- (a)
- the President, who shall be the chairman;
- (b)
- the Deputy President;
- (c)
- the Provost;
- (d)
- the Vice-Presidents or their equivalents;
- (e)
- the Associate Vice-Presidents;
- (f)
- the Associate Provosts;
- (g)
- the Deans of Colleges or equivalent bodies;
- (h)
- the Dean of Graduate Studies;
- (i)
- such heads or other members of staff as determined by the President.
- 4.
- One half of the members for the time being shall form a quorum. No meeting shall be held if more than half of the substantive members are represented by staff discharging their office temporarily on an acting basis.
Statute 8: The Boards of the Colleges or bodies equivalent to a Faculty as defined in the Ordinance
8(A): The Boards of the College of Biomedicine, College of Business, College of Computing, College of Engineering, College of Science, and College of Veterinary Medicine and Life Sciences
- 1.
- Within the policies, procedures and priorities established by the Senate, a College Board shall have the power:
- (1)
- to advise the Senate, Dean, or Heads of academic departments of the College, as appropriate, on all matters pertaining to the planning, development, implementation and monitoring of the academic work of the College;
- (2)
- to be responsible for the establishment, maintenance and monitoring of academic standards in the College, in particular through:
- (a)
- the submission of proposals to the Senate for approval of all new programmes of study planned to be introduced in the College and for the discontinuation of existing programmes of study;
- (b)
- the monitoring and review of undergraduate programmes of study in the College, and reporting thereon annually through the Board of Undergraduate Studies to the Senate;
- (c)
- the monitoring and review of research studies and taught postgraduate programmes in the College, and reporting thereon annually through the Board of Graduate Studies to the Senate;
- (d)
- deciding on the minimum requirements for entry to particular programmes of study in the College, including the identification of qualifications deemed to be equivalent, or appropriate, for entry;
- (e)
- guidance to the Heads of academic departments of the College on the implementation of Academic Regulations.
- (3)
- to determine recipients of prizes, scholarships, bursaries and similar awards pertaining to the College;
- (4)
- to establish such committees as the Board deems appropriate to assist in the exercise of its objectives and/or in support of the academic and research work of the College;
- (5)
- to consider and make recommendations on all matters which may be referred to it by the Senate, President or Dean of the College;
- (6)
- to exercise such additional responsibilities and powers as may be assigned to it by the Senate from time to time.
- 2.
- The Boards of the Colleges shall comprise:
- (1)
- the Dean of the respective College, who shall be the chairman;
- (2)
- the Associate Deans of the respective College, if any;
- (3)
- the Heads of academic departments of the College;
- (4)
- all Chair Professors who are not otherwise members;
- (5)
- not less than three full-time staff members from each academic department of the College, other than the ex officio members, elected by and from among the full-time academic staff, Teaching Fellows and Senior Teaching Fellows of that department;
- (6)
- two to four members of the full-time academic staff of academic departments outside the College concerned, or full-time staff of administrative and academic support units, appointed by the Board, such that no department or unit shall be represented by more than one member;
- (7)
- one student from each academic department of the College, and one student from the College itself who is affiliated to the College direct and not to any academic department, elected by and from the students in the respective categories.
- 3.
- The College Secretary shall be the Secretary to the Board.
- 4.
- One half of the number of members for the time being shall form a quorum at a meeting of the College Board.
8(B): The Board of the School of Law
- 1.
- Within the policies, procedures and priorities established by the Senate, the School Board shall have the power:
- (1)
- to advise the Senate or Dean of the School, as appropriate, on all matters pertaining to the planning, development, implementation and monitoring of the academic work of the School;
- (2)
- to be responsible for the establishment, maintenance and monitoring of academic standards in the School, in particular through:
- (a)
- the submission of proposals to the Senate for approval of all new programmes of study planned to be introduced in the School and for the discontinuation of existing programmes of study;
- (b)
- the monitoring and review of undergraduate programmes of study in the School, and reporting thereon annually through the Board of Undergraduate Studies to the Senate;
- (c)
- the monitoring and review of research studies and taught postgraduate programmes in the School, and reporting thereon annually through the Board of Graduate Studies to the Senate;
- (d)
- deciding on the minimum requirements for entry to particular programmes of study in the School, including the identification of qualifications deemed to be equivalent, or appropriate, for entry;
- (e)
- guidance to the Dean on the implementation of Academic Regulations.
- (3)
- to determine recipients of prizes, scholarships, bursaries and similar awards pertaining to the School;
- (4)
- to establish such committees as the Board deems appropriate to assist in the exercise of its objectives and/or in support of the academic work of the School;
- (5)
- to consider and make recommendations on all matters which may be referred to it by the Senate, President or Dean of the School;
- (6)
- to exercise such additional responsibilities and powers as may be assigned to it by the Senate from time to time.
- 2.
- The Board of the School of Law shall comprise:
- (1)
- the Dean of the School, who shall be the chairman;
- (2)
- Associate Dean(s), if any;
- (3)
- all full-time academic staff of the School;
- (4)
- all full-time Teaching Fellows and Senior Teaching Fellows of the School, if any;
- (5)
- all such other persons who play an important role in programme management and School operation, appointed by the Board;
- (6)
- up to four members of the full-time academic staff of academic departments outside the School of Law, or full-time staff of administrative and academic support units other than the Library, appointed by the Board, such that no department or unit shall be represented by more than one member;
- (7)
- up to four members appointed by the Board of the School of Law for a term of two years and including a representative from various segments of the law-related professions as the Board may determine from time to time;
- (8)
- the member of the University Library staff in charge of the Law Section of the University Library;
- (9)
- four students elected by and from the students of the School of Law.
- 3.
- The School Secretary shall be the Secretary to the Board of the School of Law.
- 4.
- One half of the number of members for the time being shall form a quorum at a meeting of the Board of the School of Law.
8(C): The Board of the School of Creative Media
- 1.
- Within the policies, procedures and priorities established by the Senate, the School Board shall have the power:
- (1)
- to advise the Senate or Dean of the School, as appropriate, on all matters pertaining to the planning, development, implementation and monitoring of the academic work of the School;
- (2)
- to be responsible for the establishment, maintenance and monitoring of academic standards in the School, in particular through:
- (a)
- the submission of proposals to the Senate for approval of all new programmes of study planned to be introduced in the School and for the discontinuation of existing programmes of study;
- (b)
- the monitoring and review of undergraduate programmes of study in the School, and reporting thereon annually through the Board of Undergraduate Studies to the Senate;
- (c)
- the monitoring and review of research studies and taught postgraduate programmes in the School, and reporting thereon annually through the Board of Graduate Studies to the Senate;
- (d)
- deciding on the minimum requirements for entry to particular programmes of study in the School, including the identification of qualifications deemed to be equivalent, or appropriate, for entry;
- (e)
- guidance to the Dean on the implementation of Academic Regulations.
- (3)
- to determine recipients of prizes, scholarships, bursaries and similar awards pertaining to the School;
- (4)
- to establish such committees as the Board deems appropriate to assist in the exercise of its objectives and/or in support of the academic work of the School;
- (5)
- to consider and make recommendations on all matters which may be referred to it by the Senate, President or Dean of the School;
- (6)
- to exercise such additional responsibilities and powers as may be assigned to it by the Senate from time to time.
- 2.
- The Board of the School of Creative Media shall comprise:
- (1)
- the Dean of the School, who shall be the chairman;
- (2)
- Associate Dean(s), if any;
- (3)
- all full-time academic staff of the School;
- (4)
- all full-time Teaching Fellows and Senior Teaching Fellows of the School, if any;
- (5)
- two to four members of the full-time academic staff of academic departments outside the School of Creative Media, or full-time staff of administrative and academic support units, appointed by the Board, such that no department or unit shall be represented by more than one member;
- (6)
- up to four students elected by and from the students of the School of Creative Media.
- 3.
- The School Secretary shall be the Secretary to the Board of the School of Creative Media.
- 4.
- One half of the number of members for the time being shall form a quorum at a meeting of the Board of the School of Creative Media.
8(D): The Board of the School of Energy and Environment
- 1.
- Within the policies, procedures and priorities established by the Senate, the School Board shall have the power:
- (1)
- to advise the Senate or Dean of the School, as appropriate, on all matters pertaining to the planning, development, implementation and monitoring of the academic work of the School;
- (2)
- to be responsible for the establishment, maintenance and monitoring of academic standards in the School, in particular through:
- (a)
- the submission of proposals to the Senate for approval of all new programmes of study planned to be introduced in the School and for the discontinuation of existing programmes of study;
- (b)
- the monitoring and review of undergraduate programmes of study in the School, and reporting thereon annually through the Board of Undergraduate Studies to the Senate;
- (c)
- the monitoring and review of research studies and taught postgraduate programmes in the School, and reporting thereon annually through the Board of Graduate Studies to the Senate;
- (d)
- deciding on the minimum requirements for entry to particular programmes of study in the School, including the identification of qualifications deemed to be equivalent, or appropriate, for entry;
- (e)
- guidance to the Dean on the implementation of Academic Regulations.
- (3)
- to determine recipients of prizes, scholarships, bursaries and similar awards pertaining to the School;
- (4)
- to establish such committees as the Board deems appropriate to assist in the exercise of its objectives and/or in support of the academic work of the School;
- (5)
- to consider and make recommendations on all matters which may be referred to it by the Senate, President or Dean of the School;
- (6)
- to exercise such additional responsibilities and powers as may be assigned to it by the Senate from time to time.
- 2.
- The Board of the School of Energy and Environment shall comprise:
- (1)
- the Dean of the School, who shall be the chairman;
- (2)
- Associate Dean(s), if any;
- (3)
- all full-time academic staff of the School;
- (4)
- all full-time Teaching Fellows and Senior Teaching Fellows of the School, if any;
- (5)
- two to four members of the full-time academic staff of academic departments outside the School of Energy and Environment, or full-time staff of administrative and academic support units, appointed by the Board, such that no department or unit shall be represented by more than one member;
- (6)
- up to seven members appointed by the Board of the School of Energy and Environment for a term of two years and including a representative from various segments of the energy and environment-related professions as the Board may determine from time to time;
- (7)
- up to four students elected by and from the students of the School of Energy and Environment.
- 3.
- The School Secretary shall be the Secretary to the Board of the School of Energy and Environment.
- 4.
- One half of the number of members for the time being shall form a quorum at a meeting of the Board of the School of Energy and Environment.
8(E): The Board of the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences
- 1.
- Within the policies, procedures and priorities established by the Senate, the College Board shall have the power:
- (1)
- to advise the Senate, Dean, or Heads of academic departments/unit of the College, as appropriate, on all matters pertaining to the planning, development, implementation and monitoring of the academic work of the College;
- (2)
- to be responsible for the establishment, maintenance and monitoring of academic standards in the College, in particular through:
- (a)
- the submission of proposals to the Senate for approval of all new programmes of study planned to be introduced in the College and for the discontinuation of existing programmes of study;
- (b)
- the monitoring and review of undergraduate programmes of study in the College, and reporting thereon annually through the Board of Undergraduate Studies to the Senate;
- (c)
- the monitoring and review of research studies and taught postgraduate programmes in the College, and reporting thereon annually through the Board of Graduate Studies to the Senate;
- (d)
- deciding on the minimum requirements for entry to particular programmes of study in the College, including the identification of qualifications deemed to be equivalent, or appropriate, for entry;
- (e)
- guidance to the Heads of academic departments/unit of the College on the implementation of Academic Regulations.
- (3)
- to determine recipients of prizes, scholarships, bursaries and similar awards pertaining to the College;
- (4)
- to establish such committees as the Board deems appropriate to assist in the exercise of its objectives and/or in support of the academic and research work of the College;
- (5)
- to consider and make recommendations on all matters which may be referred to it by the Senate, President or Dean of the College;
- (6)
- to exercise such additional responsibilities and powers as may be assigned to it by the Senate from time to time.
- 2.
- The Board of the College shall comprise:
- (1)
- the Dean of the College, who shall be the chairman;
- (2)
- the Associate Deans of the College, if any;
- (3)
- the Heads of academic departments/unit of the College;
- (4)
- all Chair Professors who are not otherwise members;
- (5)
- not less than three full-time staff members from each academic department of the College, other than the ex officio members, elected by and from among the full-time academic staff, Teaching Fellows and Senior Teaching Fellows of that department;
- (6)
- not less than three full-time staff members from the Chan Feng Men-ling Chan Shuk-lin Language Centre of the College, elected by and from among the full-time academic and teaching staff, including but not limited to Lecturers, English Enhancement Course Senior Tutors/Tutors and Instructors I/II of the Lauguage Centre;
- (7)
- two to four members of the full-time academic staff of academic departments outside the College, or full-time staff of administrative and academic support units, appointed by the Board, such that no department or unit shall be represented by more than one member;
- (8)
- one student from each academic department of the College, and one student from the College itself who is affiliated to the College direct and not to any academic department, elected by and from the students in the respective categories.
- 3.
- The College Secretary shall be the Secretary to the Board.
- 4.
- One half of the number of members for the time being shall form a quorum at a meeting of the College Board.
8(F): The Board of the CityU Academy of Innovation
- 1.
- Within the policies, procedures and priorities established by the Senate, the Board of the CityU Academy of Innovation shall have the power:
- (1)
- to advise the Senate, Senior Vice-President/Vice-President overseeing the Academy, or Director of CityU Academy of Innovation, as appropriate, on all matters pertaining to the planning, development, implementation and monitoring of the academic work of the Academy;
- (2)
- to be responsible for the establishment, maintenance, and monitoring of academic standards in the Academy, in particular through:
- (a)
- the submission of proposals to the Senate for approval of all new programmes of study planned to be introduced in the Academy and for the discontinuation of existing programmes of study;
- (b)
- the monitoring and review of undergraduate programmes of study in the Academy, and reporting thereon annually through the Board of Undergraduate Studies to the Senate;
- (c)
- the monitoring and review of research studies and taught postgraduate programmes offered by the Academy, and reporting thereon annually through the Board of Graduate Studies to the Senate;
- (d)
- deciding on the minimum requirements for entry to particular programmes of study in the Academy, including the identification of qualifications deemed to be equivalent, or appropriate, for entry;
- (e)
- guidance to the Director of the Academy on the implementation of Academic Regulations.
- (3)
- to determine recipients of prizes, scholarships, bursaries and similar awards pertaining to the Academy;
- (4)
- to establish such committees as the Board deems appropriate to assist in the exercise of its objectives and/or in support of the academic work of the Academy;
- (5)
- to consider and make recommendations on all matters which may be referred to it by the Senate, President or Senior Vice-President/Vice-President overseeing the Academy;
- (6)
- to exercise such additional responsibilities and powers as may be assigned to it by the Senate from time to time.
- 2.
- The Board of CityU Academy of Innovation shall comprise:
- (1)
- the Senior Vice-President/Vice-President overseeing the Academy, who shall be the chairman;
- (2)
- the Director of the Academy;
- (3)
- the Associate Director(s) of the Academy, if any;
- (4)
- the Dean of Graduate Studies or his/her delegate;
- (5)
- three to five members of the full-time academic staff of academic departments of CityU;
- (6)
- one to two full-time staff of administrative and academic support units of CityU;
- (7)
- up to four students elected by and from the students of the CityU Academy of Innovation.
- 3.
- An administrative staff of the Academy to be appointed by the chairman shall be the Secretary to the Board of the CityU Academy of Innovation.
- 4.
- One half of the number of members for the time being shall form a quorum at a meeting of the Board of the CityU Academy of Innovation.
Statute 9: Board of Graduate Studies
- 1.
- Within the policies, procedures and priorities established by the Senate and subject to the general oversight of the Academic Policy Committee, the Board of Graduate Studies shall:
- (1)
- review and make recommendations on the Academic Regulations, Rules and Procedures governing all postgraduate programmes and studies;
- (2)
- develop, implement, monitor and review policy pertaining to postgraduate work;
- (3)
- establish and maintain academic standards of all postgraduate programmes;
- (4)
- provide guidance and advice to College/School Boards on the implementation of academic regulations and policies, and the development of postgraduate studies;
- (5)
- review and make recommendations to the Academic Policy Committee for the introduction of new postgraduate programmes;
- (6)
- report on its business to the Senate via the Academic Policy Committee and/or Quality Assurance Committee at such intervals as the Senate may decide;
- (7)
- review and make recommendations to the Academic Policy Committee on any matters relating to academic regulations, policies and rules governing postgraduate studies, including general entrance requirements and policies for student admission;
- (8)
- review and make recommendations to the Quality Assurance Committee on any matters relating to quality assurance of teaching and learning of postgraduate programmes;
- (9)
- appoint sub-committees, working parties and similar bodies for the purpose of discharging its duties, and approve their terms of reference and membership.
- 2.
- The membership of the Board shall comprise:
- (1)
- the Dean of Graduate Studies who shall be the Chairman;
- (2)
- the Deputy Chairman shall be Deputy Dean or Associate Dean of Chow Yei Ching School of Graduate Studies appointed by the Chairman;
- (3)
- the Deputy President;
- (4)
- the Chairman of the Senate's Research Committee;
- (5)
- the Chairman of Quality Assurance Committee;
- (6)
- Deputy/Associate Deans, Chow Yei Ching School of Graduates Studies;
- (7)
- Chairmen of College/School Graduate Studies Committees;
- (8)
- Director of CityU Academy of Innovation;
- (9)
- two members appointed from each College Graduate Studies Committee;
- (10)
- one member appointed from each School Graduate Studies Committee;
- (11)
- five members appointed from and by the Senate;
- (12)
- three postgraduate students appointed by the Board from the pool which comprises one research postgraduate student and one master's student nominated annually by each of the Colleges and Schools.
- 3.
- The period of office of members shall be two years, except for members in category 12 whose term shall be one year. The membership in categories 9 to 11 above shall allow for overlapping periods to ensure continuity.
- 4.
- A person appointed by the Dean of Graduate Studies shall be the Secretary to the Board.
Statute 10: The Convocation
- 1.
- Subject to the provisions in the Ordinance, the Convocation shall have the following objectives:
- (1)
- to strengthen the relationship among members of the Convocation and between the Convocation and the University;
- (2)
- to promote good relations between the University and the general public;
- (3)
- to discuss any matter relating to the development of the University including any matter referred to it by the Council and to make recommendations to the Council;
- (4)
- to promote the objectives and activities of the University.
- 2.
- Each graduate on receipt of an academic award granted by the University or the Polytechnic, in accordance with the Academic Regulations as approved by the Senate, shall be a member of the Convocation.
- 3.
- Emeritus Professors and honorary award recipients on whom the titles have been conferred by the University shall be members of the Convocation.
- 4.
- A register containing the names of all members of the Convocation shall be kept by the Secretary of the Convocation.
- 5.
- A member may at any time by giving notice in writing to the Secretary of the Convocation resign from membership of the Convocation.
- 6.
- There shall be a Standing Committee of the Convocation which shall be the executive body of the Convocation.
- 7.
- There shall be a Chairman of the Convocation who shall at the same time be Chairman of the Standing Committee.
- 8.
- The Convocation shall, from its own members, elect a Chairman and not more than four Vice-Chairmen who shall respectively hold office for a period of two years. A retiring Chairman or Vice-Chairman shall be eligible for re-election except for the retiring Chairman who has, at the time of such retirement, held an office for two consecutive full terms.
- 9.
- In case of a vacancy in the office of the Chairman arising from other than expiry of the term of office of a retiring Chairman, the Convocation shall elect one of its members at a special or the next annual general meeting to fill the vacancy. The person so elected shall hold office for the remainder of the term for which his/her predecessor was appointed.
- 10.
- In the absence of the Chairman, one of the Vice-Chairmen shall be appointed by the Chairman to act on his behalf. If the Chairman fails to appoint an acting Chairman, the Standing Committee shall appoint one of the Vice-Chairmen to act as the Chairman.
- 11.
- Subject to the Ordinance and this Statute, the Convocation may appoint committees for any general or special purposes as it thinks fit, and to approve their terms of reference and membership.
- 12.
- The Convocation shall meet at least once in each calendar year and at such other times as it may determine.
- 13.
- Thirty members of the Convocation shall form a quorum for meetings.
- 14.
- The Secretary of the Convocation shall be appointed by the President.
Statute 11: Emeritus Professors
- 1.
- On the recommendation of the Senate, the Council may confer the title of Emeritus Professor upon any Chair Professor of the University on retirement from office and after being employed in the service of the University for not less than ten years, of which at least five shall have been as a full-time Chair Professor, and who in the opinion of the Senate has made a distinguished contribution to his chosen academic field.
- 2.
- Emeritus Professors shall be members of Convocation, and shall rank in precedence before Chair Professors of the University on any ceremonial or official occasion. In addition, they shall have the right to use University facilities, and be eligible to apply for office facilities within the University.
- 3.
- Emeritus Professors shall not be entitled, solely by virtue of that title, to be a member of any other body of the University, or to exercise any administrative or executive functions, except as specified in this Statute.
- 4.
- Emeritus Professors may be requested to represent the University, or to carry out duties on the University's behalf, either in Hong Kong or elsewhere.
Statute 12: Honorary Awards and Award Holders
- 1.
- Honorary awards may be conferred by the Chancellor from time to time on the recommendation of the Honorary Awards Committee.
- 2.
- The Chancellor may confer the following honorary awards in the name of the University:
- Honorary Doctor of Business Administration (Hon DBA)
- Honorary Doctor of Engineering (Hon DEng)
- Honorary Doctor of Laws (Hon LLD)
- Honorary Doctor of Letters (Hon DLitt)
- Honorary Doctor of Science (Hon DSc)
- Honorary Doctor of Social Science (Hon DSocSc)
- 3.
- The Honorary Awards Committee shall determine which of the honorary awards to be conferred under section (2).
- 4.
- The criteria for the award of an honorary doctorate shall be distinctive contributions to learning, to the development of the University, or to the well-being of society in general.
- 5.
- The Certification of an honorary award conferred by the Chancellor shall be in Chinese and in English and shall record the full name of the recipient and the title of the award. It shall be authenticated by the signature of the Chancellor of the University, the Chairman of the Council and the President.
- 6.
- The recipient of an honorary award conferred by the Chancellor shall sign his name in the Register of Honorary Awards.
- 7.
- The holders of such honorary awards shall rank in precedence before the Emeritus Professors of the University on ceremonial occasions, and shall be members of the Convocation. They shall also have the right to use all University facilities.
Last modified on 1 January 2025