Council Committees
Nominations Committee
- 1.
- Terms of Reference
For Council Appointments
- 1.1
- to consider the possible re-appointment of Council members, who fall into the category 10(1)(f) as specified in the Ordinance, i.e. members to be recommended by the Council for the Chief Executive's approval, whose term of office is expiring;
- 1.2
- where vacancies exist under category 10(1)(f), to invite nominations for membership of the Council from the University Community, including Council members, staff, students and the Convocation; and
- 1.3
- to consider the list of nominees and to recommend candidates to the Government to fill the number of vacancies.
For Court Appointments
- 1.4
- where vacancies exist under categories 2(e) and 2(f) of Statute 5, to invite nominations for membership of the Court from the University Community, including Council members, staff, students and the Convocation;
- 1.5
- to consider the list of nominees for appointment to the Court and decide on the appointments to be made under the category determined by the Council; and
- 1.6
- to consider the list of nominees for appointment and to recommend to the Chief Executive those to be appointed by virtue of his authority.
- 2.
- Membership
- Chairman:
Chairman of the Council
- Members:
Deputy Chairman of the Council
Two additional members appointed by the Council
- Secretary:
Secretary to Council
N.B. Council members from category 10(1)(f) who are completing their terms of office and who could be the subject of possible renewal of membership will be asked to withdraw from the meeting of the Committee when their continued membership may be considered.
- 3.
- Procedures for Council Appointments
- 3.1
- If the vacancies arise as a result of members' terms of office expiring and there is a possibility that they could be renewed, the Committee will decide whether a recommendation should be made to the Chief Executive for their renewal.
- 3.2
- If there are still vacancies after retiring members have been considered, the Committee will seek nominations for membership from the University Community including Council members, staff, students and the Convocation.
- 3.3
- It will be made clear that those nominating individuals to serve on the Council should not approach the nominees concerned.
- 3.4
- The Nominations Committee will draw up a shortlist of possible candidates for recommendation to the Chief Executive.
- 3.5
- The Chairman of the Committee will approach the individuals concerned to ascertain their willingness to serve on the Council.
- 3.6
- The Chairman will report back to the Committee on the result of these approaches.
- 3.7
- The Committee will decide which nominees to recommend to the Chief Executive for approval.
- 3.8
- Following the decision of the Chief Executive, the names of the new Council member(s) will be reported to the Council.
- 4.
- Procedures for Court Appointments
- 4.1
- When vacancies arise, the Committee will seek nominations for membership from the University Community including Council members, staff, students and the Convocation.
- 4.2
- The Committee will decide the nominees to be appointed under the category of membership determined by the Council.
- 4.3
- The Committee will recommend nominees to be appointed by the Chief Executive.
- 4.4
- It will be made clear that those nominating individuals to serve on the Court should not approach the nominees concerned.
- 4.5
- The Nominations Committee will draw up a shortlist of possible candidates for recommendation to the Chief Executive.
- 4.6
- The Chairman of the Committee will approach the individuals concerned to ascertain their willingness to serve on the Court.
- 4.7
- The Chairman will report back to the Committee on the result of these approaches.
- 4.8
- The Committee will decide the nominees to be appointed under the category of membership determined by the Council.
- 4.9
- The Committee will recommend nominees to be appointed by the Chief Executive.
- 4.10
- Following the decision of the Committee itself and by the Chief Executive the new Court members will be reported to the Court and the Council.
Last modified on 18 August 2009