Council Committees

Review Committee

Terms of Reference
the purpose of the Review Committee is to consider serious breaches of acceptable behavior of University staff which could possibly constitute a criminal offence under Hong Kong Law. The Committee is charged with the responsibility of deciding whether or not to report individual cases to the law enforcement agencies;
the Committee is required to investigate such cases, to the limit of its powers to uncover the related evidence and to apply the test of reasonable probability in its judgment to determine whether the case should be reported to the authorities;
the Committee will meet on an "as needs" basis. Normally cases will be referred to the Committee by the President or the Chairman of Council but exceptionally individual members of staff can bring matters to the attention of the Committee under the protection of the policy on "whistleblowing".

Chairman of the Council


Deputy Chairman of the Council

Chairman of the Audit Committee

Chairman of the Human Resources Committee


One member of the Senate drawn from a panel of three appointed by Chairman of the Council and the President

One member of the Teaching and Administrative staff drawn from a panel of three appointed by Chairman of the Council and the President

In attendance:

In-House Legal Counsel


Secretary to Council

Last modified on 23 November 2010