CityUHK Arts Festival 2024
CityUHK Musical 2024: Legally Blonde
城大音樂劇 2024 《律政可人兒》

25 - 26 October 2024 (7:30 p.m.) and 27 October 2024 (3:00 p.m.),
Wong Cheung Lo Hui Yuet Hall, CityUHK
2024年10月25 - 26日 (晚上7時30分) 及 2024年10月27日 (下午3時),

CityUHK Musical proudly presents the uplifting musical: Legally Blonde! A cheerful blonde girl, Elle Woods, enrols at Harvard Law School to get her ex-boyfriend back, yet she faces setbacks upon arrival. With her unrelenting spirit, she stays true to herself, breaks the secular prejudice and transforms into a successful entrepreneur in such a contrasting environment. The dazzling songs and dances by our youthful and dynamic CityUHK students must cheer you up in chasing your dream!

城大音樂劇為您呈獻,百老匯勵志音樂劇《律政可人兒》! 天真開朗的金髮女孩為了挽回前男友而奮力考上哈佛法學院,但初來報到便遭受挫折。心灰意冷的她在這片傷心地慢慢尋回真我,勇敢打破世俗偏見,蛻變成為新一代變革型女強人!充滿青春活力的城大同學以連場歌舞為您打打氣,一同展開追逐夢想的路!

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CityUHK Musical 2024: Legally Blonde