City University Chinese Debating Team

2024 - 2025 執委名單 Executive Committee Member List 相片 Photos 電郵 E-mail


每年城大中辯隊均會參與各項大型賽事,如「大專辯論賽」、「《基本法》多面體 ── 全港大專生辯論賽」等,亦會分別聯同香港浸會大學和香港理工大學舉辦「九龍盃」;聯同香港大學和香港樹仁大學舉辦「聯大盃」及聯同香港中文大學聯合書院舉 辦「明辯盃」,與各院校互相交流切磋,活躍於大專辯論界。

城大中辯隊過往成績斐然,曾於2000、2001及2003年奪得「大專辯論賽」季軍,更於 2002年一嘗奪冠滋味,為校增光。此外,城大中辯隊亦分別於第2、第5、第8及第12屆「《基本法》多面體-全港大專生辯論賽」奪得三次季軍及亞軍。於 2008 年,城大中辯隊更成功勇奪該項賽事冠軍,成績有目共睹。2010年,城大中辯隊再下一城,於第7屆「自由盃全港大專辯論比賽」擇銀而回。2012年,城大中辯隊奪得第12屆「《基本法》多面體-全港大專生辯論賽」殿軍,亦於2015年在港澳大專辯論邀請賽得到亞軍,進一步肯定其實力。

2016年,城大中辯隊在第一屆全港大專院校辯論比賽 ── 香港亞青盃中,奪得亞軍。在2017年,城大中辯隊延續了四年前的佳績,在「公民盃大專辯論賽」再次奪得亞軍。時隔15年,於2018年,城大中辯隊成功再次奪得「大專辯論賽」季軍。不僅如此,城大中辯隊更於同年奪得第一屆「全港大專聯賽」季軍;亦是連續第二年踏上「公民盃大專辯論賽」的決賽台板;成績相當鼓舞。於2019年,城大中辯參與由「新一代城市發展論壇-博匯」所舉辦的「全港大專院校辯論賽-青望盃2019」,成功闖入四強,最終奪得季軍。及後,城大中辯隊更於「港澳大專辯論邀請賽」闖入決賽,最終奪得亞軍;於2021年,更連奪全港大專青年辯論比賽 - 「港青盃」冠軍及「大專辯論賽」亞軍; 於2022年,更奪第二十三届 《基本法》多面體一全港 大專生辯論賽 季軍。 另外,城大中辯隊於2023年再次奪𣁽,在「大專辯論賽」獲得冠軍。本年度亦將繼續秉承「城大搏盡」的精神,延續上年度的佳績,於大專辯論界大放異彩!


In 1989, the original Debating Club was founded as a society under the Student Union. Now the society has transformed into an independent team named as "City University Chinese Debating Team” (CityUHK Chinese Debating Team) under the Cultural and Sports Committee of the City University of Hong Kong. Over the years, our team has maintained the tradition that members have the freedom to participate in any team activities and competitions in the territory.

We compete with different teams in various Chinese debate tournaments every year like the Inter-collegiate Debate Championship organized by the Radio-Television Hong Kong (RTHK), Basic Law Cup, etc. We also organize Kowloon Cup with Hong Kong Baptist University and The Hong Kong Polytechnic University; and the Inter-university Cup with the University of Hong Kong and Hong Kong Shue Yan University every year. There are also other matches like friendly matches with the United College of The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Through these matches, our members can practice and strengthen our debating skills as well as exchange our ideas on different social issues.

In the past years, our efforts did pay us with impressive results. Our team won the Champion in the "Inter-collegiate Debate Competition” in 2002. We also came to the 1st Runner-up and 2nd Runner-up in the 8th and 12th Basic Law Cup respectively. In 2008, the result of our team was so fruitful that we were crowned the Champion in the 10th Basic Law Cup. In the year 2010, our team was awarded as the 1st runner-up in the Liberal Cup with our extraordinary performance among the teams of other universities. In the year 2015, our team was also awarded as the 3rd runner-up of the Basic Law Cup and the 2nd Runner-up of "The Macau-Hong Kong Inter-collegiate Debate Competition”.

In 2016, CityUHK Chinese Debating Team successfully took the 1st runner-up in the 1st Asia Youth Debate Competition. Our team spirit and efforts are further and firmly assured. Furthermore, we came to the 1st Runner-up of the Civic Cup in 2017. After 15 years, in 2018, not only were we awarded as the 2nd Runner-up in the "Inter-collegiate Debate Competition”, but also came to the final of the Civic Cup, and were awarded as the 2nd Runner-up in the 1st Joint-University Debate Competition. In 2019, we participated in the "Ching Mong Cup” organized by a youth association "NGUD forum”. With the satisfactory performances of all the teammates, our team came to the semi-final and was awarded as the 2nd Runner-up. In the same year, we entered the final round of the "Macau-Hong Kong Inter-collegiate Debate Competition '' and eventually achieved the first runner-up. In 2021, we have been awarded the Champion of Hong Kong Youth Cup, and the 1-at runner up in the "Inter-collegiate Debate Competition”. Our team will try our best to make further achievements and reap the harvest in the following year. In 2022, we won third place in the Basic Law Cup. Besides, CityUHK Chinese Debating Team won the Champion in the "Inter-collegiate Debate Competition” second time in 2023.

2024 – 2025 執委名單 Executive Committee Member List

隊長 Captain 韓鋕泓 Hon Chi Wang
內務副隊長 Internal Vice Captain 賴欣 Lai Yan
外務副隊長 External Vice Captain 伍芷瑩 Wu Tsz Ying
財務副隊長 Finance Vice Captain 方良睿 Fong Leung Yui
常務副隊長 General Vice Captain 吳兆峰 Wu Siu Fung
宣傳副隊長 Promotion Vice Captain 王羽 Wong Yu
設計副隊長 Design Vice Captain 楊慶霆 Yeung Hing Ting
康樂副隊長 Recreation Vice Captain 郭鎧盈 Kwok Hoi Ying

相片 Photos

The Macau-Hong Kong Inter-collegiate Debate Competition 2024

Inter-collegiate Debate Competition 2023

22nd Basic Law Cup