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PCCW/HKT Graduate Development Programme 2024
Company name


Job Type
Full Time
Job Description

In the era of digital transformation, technology is a forceful enabler, while talent and culture are the core and irreplaceable changemakers. PCCW/HKT Graduate Development Programmes are structured career development initiatives designed to offer university graduates and early-career talent extensive exposure to industry-leading projects, skills and knowledge to equip them as an outstanding professional and fast-track their growth to support our wide-ranged services as a technology conglomerate.

We aim to nurture young talent as business and technology leaders of tomorrow through building their all-round technical and leadership capabilities, empowering them to achieve career aspirations while driving the group’s transformative impact as a top-tier techco. Our programmes cover three main streams, including Technology, Business, and Corporate Stream. Specialised programmes are available to accelerate the career growth of participants through their journey of development.

Job Requirement

Subject to the specified programme – details of each programme are available here:

Application Procedure
Education Level
Doctoral or professional degree
Master's degree
Bachelor’s degree
Computer Science
Electrical Engineering
Systems Engineering
Computing Mathematics
Global Research Enrichment and Technopreneurship