Awareness on Web Site Security

Past hacking and defacement to departmental web sites:

The entire homepage was replaced !!

entire homepage replaced

The center news column was defaced !!

website defacement

  • Web server hi-jacked for further hacking to the other sites
  • Web server with e-mail capabilities hi-jacked for e-mail spamming
  • Web server contains users' personal information being disclosed
  • Web server contains users' account and password or credit card information being stolen and misused

It is a good practice to:

To avoid mishaps to your sites, things to discuss with your website developer (colleague, student helper, external contractor):

  • Do not install unsolicited software e.g. freeware, shareware.
  • Remove old version of program and data.
  • Put backup of program and data elsewhere/off-line.
  • Separate program source code and executable.
  • Jail application to run in least privilege account.
  • Use secure protocol HTTPS to transfer sensitive information, e.g. username/password and credit card information.
  • Use digital certificate on secured web page.
  • Encrypt sensitive information before storing.
  • Do not allow web page to write to text file or mdb database file.
  • Review web site script to prevent SQL injection that will temper the database, especially via input forms.
  • Review web site script to prevent cross-site scripting which foul input with executable codes.
  • Obtain proper documentation on web site scripting.
  • Sign a non-disclosure agreement on sensitive content.
  • Agree on maintenance and warranty period.
  • Arrangement on staff turnover.
  • How they conduct security testing on the coding and ask for proof.
  • Provide a list of software tools that will be used to build the website.
  • Don't mix development with the production machine.

Remember your web site needs regular attention!

Things to discuss with your web site host (departmental, external ISP):

  • The location of the server is physically secure, access-control is enforced.
  • System and network properly protected.
  • Apply latest system and security patches timely.
  • Have real time anti-virus protection with constant update of virus signature.
  • Enable Firewall.
  • Disable directory browsing.
  • Turn off unnecessary services, functions and features, e.g. SMTP, FTP etc.
  • Do not allow directory to be written by web page, everyone or guest.
  • Use strong password policy.
  • Enable access logging.
  • Customize error responses.
  • Arrangement of web site and content on retirement of service and server migration.
  • List the security measures to be implemented in additional to the forgoing ones.
  • Sign non-disclosure agreement.
  • Well defined incident handling procedure.

Useful reference on web site security: