Guidelines on PC Acquisition and Scope of Support

Departments are recommended to note the following when they are planning to acquire desktop and notebook PCs for office use.

Supported Desktop and Notebook PCs

The Computing Services Centre (CSC) will only provide standard support service to department's office PCs (both desktop and notebook computers) that meet all of the following requirements:

  1. One of the supported brands[1].
  2. Models designed for enterprise use[2]
  3. Under warranty
  4. With a valid Windows OS OEM license

Scope of Support

  1. Operating system installation and connection to Staff LAN environment or campus Wireless LAN.
  2. Installation of software with valid license (only on a best effort basis if the software is not provided by the Central IT).
  3. Hardware trouble-shooting (the vendor supporting the warranty will be responsible for the hardware repair).


[1] The University has partnership programmes arranged with selected vendors for desktop and notebook PC supply, which will be periodically reviewed. Please check with the CSC or the FO for the most up-to-date information on the supported brands
[2] Models for Enterprise use are classified by vendors and not by the CSC. They are more stable, durable and reliable by design than models for home-use. Moreover, the life-time and the support service levels of enterprise models are often much better, including the availability of software drivers for new OS versions and the hardware parts even after the models’ end-of-sale periodnbsp;