News & Events


MPI Workshop with CSNS on July 29, 2021

On Jan. 26, 2021, the Multi-Physics Instrument (MPI) at Chin Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS) received the first neutron beam from the target station. MPI is CSNS’ first user instrument and was built in cooperation with Dongguan University of Technology (DUT) and City University of Hong Kong (CityU). It is also the first neutron total scattering instrument in China. MPI will mainly be used for research on materials with different ordered structures, focusing on structural analysis of local structure in ordered and disordered materials. It will serve well for users in Hong Kong as an effective tool to probe materials, especially for research on materials science, condensed matter physics, life science and nano-materials.

The MPI team has since conducted many benchmarking experiments and generated remarkable results. In this workshop, we invited Prof. CHEN Heshen of CAS, Prof. YANG Mengsu Michael, VP(RT) of CityU, and Prof. LI Wenfang, VP of DUT to be our Guest-of-honor, and we shared those remarkable results with interested MPI users. The instrument performs well and is expected to enter into user programme in the coming cycle. We would also like to discuss the future use of MPI and introduce opportunities to collaborate.



Workshop at China Spallation Neutron Source in 2018

A workshop organized by Professors WANG Xun-Li and CHEN Hesheng, was held on December 7, 2018, on the campus of CSNS, to discuss Hong Kong and Macau’s need at the Southern Light Source (SLS). Twenty-two scientists from the universities of Hong Kong, Macao, and three scientists from the research institutes and universities of the mainland China, attended the workshop. The participants discussed recent progresses in the fundamental research in their respective fields and the development of new methods for the measurement of these materials, especially for using synchrotron X-ray technique around the world. The one-day scientific sessions promoted a lively and fruitful discussions amongst the meeting participants. These discussions provided important input for the specifics of the SLS in the planning.

Following the discussions, an introduction of CSNS was provided by Dr. CHEN Yanwei of CSNS, so that the participants could also learn about the scientific opportunities that CSNS offers. Enthusiastic discussions ensued on the newly commissioned facility, the current status and issues related to access. The workshop ended with a tour of the CSNS.
