
China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS), located in Dongguan about 70 km north of Hong Kong, is a new pulsed neutron source dedicated for neutron scattering research under the Institute of High Energy, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). CSNS produced its first neutron beam on August 28, 2017, and has been in user operation since March 2018 with three instruments, while many more are under various stages of design, construction, and commissioning. The facility is already scientifically productive and is destined to become an international hub for materials research.

Due to the proximity, the scientific community in Hong Kong stands to be a major beneficiary of CSNS. This project supports Hong Kong’s participation at CSNS. The ability to access CSNS will significantly enhance education and research activities in Hong Kong, and encourage rapid growth of a strong user community, to take advantage of state-of-the-art facilities at CSNS for scientific discovery and technology development.


  1. To support the construction of the Multi Physics Instrument (MPI) at CSNS
  2. To engage the Hong Kong scientific community in the use and further development of CSNS
  3. To educate and train students on the use of state-of-the-art analysis tool for scientific discovery and technology development