Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the temperature range for doing MPI experiment?
MPI offers a suite a standard sample environments available at CSNS.
Low-temperature cryostat: 1.5~300 K.
Special low-temperature environment: 300 mK.
High temperature furnace: RT-1600 C.


2. What is the sample dimension requirement for doing MPI experiment?
Typical samples for MPI are cylinders with a diameter < 9 mm and a height up to 30 mm.
The maximum beam size is 30 x 30 mm2.


3. What is the sample weight requirement for doing MPI experiment?
Typical samples used at MPI weight in ~ g.
However, 0.5 g of samples maybe also okay for MPI, depending on the composition and quality of the samples.


4. Which software will be used for data analytics?
PDFGETN, GUNDRUN, RMC are openly available and well suited for PDF analysis;
GSAS can be used for analysis of diffraction data from crystalline materials.