School of Creative Media
《非我 .非非我》It is about an experience that I still cannot get rid of it.
《風之歌》 Song of the Wind年輕電影系大學生文斯獲政府編配長者公屋居住,並與同居長者陳伯共用單位。社工詩敏一直跟進獨居長者陳伯的日常需要。在偶然機遇下,文斯看到詩敏並一見鐘情。陳伯見此,為文斯穿針引線,為二人製造認識機會。
《黑月》 Lilith木仔是髮型師,其女友(晴)用他的剪刀自殺死去後,本來忘記了友女有遺書一事。但月蝕那晚,木仔突然想起那遺書的內容。在陷入情緒困擾的同時,他遇然救回被男友(樂)騷擾的女子(瞳)...?
Flee 逃A documentary to explore the relationship with my mother
InundateA narrative video with length 38 minutes. The project mainly focused on three young people how to handle their sentiment.
ourlullabyWe started a revolution secretly and wrote a lullaby for ourselves-This is a lullaby about "him".
SmokeA narrative story about love in-between neighbors.
The MannequinNarrative film. A man with stammering tongue's grown up. His disability cause him to become social disconnect. They only thing he can do is to interact with mannequins at home.
To PhoenixNam was suddenly discovered that she has heart disease, which make her given up her favourite sport - running. Kin was the one who raise her up, and make Nam be in faith again.
殺手 畫家 西裝友一見鍾情,一發不可收拾。 畫家在一次自己舉辦的畫展中遇見了她,誓要發動一次肢體及精神上的入侵。
猜情尋 A Beautiful MessA Shirt summer, Yee, Yu, Kin first met each of her and gradually acquainted with the tremedous pressure gram the family peer & love. They actually found love can harm at the end.
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