CityU confers Honorary Fellowships on three distinguished persons
(From left) President Way Kuo; Ms Jenny Chan Pik-ha; Mr Lau Tat-chuen; Dr Chung Shui-ming; Dr Jennifer Ng Chui-yiu; Mr Lester Garson Huang and Ms Lilian Chiang Sui-fook, Deputy Chairman of the CityU Council.


Three distinguished persons were conferred the title of Honorary Fellow of City University of Hong Kong (CityU) in recognition of their distinctive contributions to the development of, and service to, the University and the community.

The eminent persons are:

  •  Ms Jenny Chan Pik-ha, Sales Director of KGI Asia Limited;
  •  Mr Lau Tat-chuen, Director of Sino International Industrial (Group) HK Limited; and
  •  Dr Jennifer Ng Chui-yiu, JP, Vice-Chairman and CEO of Marshall-Karson Construction and Engineering Ltd.

Dr Chung Shui-ming, Pro-Chancellor; Mr Lester Garson Huang, Council Chairman; and Professor Way Kuo, CityU President, officiated at the ceremony, which was held on 22 September.

In his welcoming address, Mr Huang thanked the Honorary Fellows for accepting the fellowships at an unprecedented time in our history.

“There can be no doubt that the social unrest in 2019 and the pandemic of 2020 have combined to present CityU with innumerable challenges. But it is my belief that CityU has proven itself to be more than equal to the task,” he said. “Of the many examples I could mention, I would like to single out the monumental effort to transition all our face-to-face classes to an online learning environment within days of campus closing temporarily out of concerns throughout Hong Kong about the spread of the virus.”

Mr Huang said that in May 2020 the University had marked another significant development by launching its Strategic Plan for 2020–2025, a road map that charts CityU’s trajectory for the next period of our development.

“The plan outlines the integrated, cutting-edge curriculum that has been designed to nurture the next generation of professionals, and provides a clear focus on the areas of research we will undertake to address global problems through interdisciplinary research. This excellent document will enable us to navigate today’s challenges and enhance our identity as a world-class university,” he said.

Dr Ng addressed the assembly on behalf of the Honorary Fellows. “As a globally recognised university, CityU is leading the charge by forming collaborative ventures to accommodate an integrative programme schedule. To name a few of these programmes, the unique Belt and Road initiative promoted by the College of Business, the unprecedented Chinese Judges Programmes in the School of Law, and the first veterinary programme in the region to attain international accreditation. These programmes excel at expanding the learning experience of these disciplines beyond the local scope,” she said.

In addition, Dr Ng said that the upcoming youth and their current pace of progress required experienced role models. “By becoming Honorary Fellows, we look forward to leveraging our expertise to assist in CityU’s endeavour to carve a path forward for the new generation,” she said.

Biographies of the 2020 Honorary Fellows