Delegation from Dongguan Songshan Lake Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone visits CityU
CityU senior management, including Professor Freddy Boey (middle), President, receive the delegation led by Mr Liu Wei (fifth from left), Deputy Secretary of the Dongguan Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the Songshan Lake Party Working Committee.
CityU senior management, including Professor Freddy Boey (middle), President, receive the delegation led by Mr Liu Wei (fifth from left), Deputy Secretary of the Dongguan Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the Songshan Lake Party Working Committee.

Exchanges on strengthening communication and cooperation were the topics for discussion when a delegation from the Dongguan Songshan Lake Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone visited City University of Hong Kong (CityU) on 24 August.

The delegation, led by Mr Liu Wei, Deputy Secretary of the Dongguan Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the Songshan Lake Party Working Committee, was warmly greeted by CityU representatives including Professor Freddy Boey, President.

President Boey highlighted CityU’s leading role in local universities in research, innovation, and entrepreneurship. “CityU is committed to attracting world-class talents and their outstanding research as well as transforming scientific research findings into applications for society. The cooperation with Songshan Lake will enable more resources for innovation and entrepreneurship and create a better ecosystem, which is beneficial to the innovation and technology development of the Greater Bay Area and even the country,” he said.

Mr Liu said Songshan Lake was a state-level, high-tech industrial development zone, adding that CityU possessed strong scientific research capabilities. “We look forward to both parties strengthening cooperation in scientific and technological exchanges, talent cultivation and enterprise incubation so that CityU’s excellent scientific research outcomes could be carried forward in Dongguan to give new momentum to economic development,” he said.

Areas discussed at the meeting included transforming Hong Kong’s scientific research findings into applications for society and implementing projects in Songshan Lake, and promoting cooperation between Hong Kong and Dongguan for high-level in-depth integration and development.

The delegation visited the State Key Laboratory of Terahertz and Millimeter Waves after the meeting to learn more about CityU’s research capabilities on communication technology.

The delegation visits the State Key Laboratory of Terahertz and Millimeter Waves.
The delegation visits the State Key Laboratory of Terahertz and Millimeter Waves.