王汎森院士 (Academician Fan-Sen Wang)

Professor Wang Fan-sen is a historian specializing in the cultural-intellectual history of early modern and modern China. He was graduated from National Taiwan University with a Master's degree in history in 1983, and received his PhD in East Asian studies from Princeton University in 1993. Professor Wang is a faculty member of National Taiwan University and National Tsing Hua University.
He joined Academia Sinica in 1985 and became the distinguished research fellow of the Institute of History and Philology in 2005 and served as director of the Institute from 2003-2009. He became an Academician in 2004 and was also the director of the Tsai Yuan-pei Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences from 2003 to 2004.
Professor Wang was appointed as one of Taiwan Academia Sinica's Vice Presidents in 2010. Since 2003, he has been a member of Committee on Academic Development, Ministry of Education and the Committee on Humanities and Social Science Development, National Science Council.
Professor Wang’s research interests include the history of intellectual thought, culture and academic scholarship from the Ming and Qing Dynasty to modern China. He was elected a fellow of UK's Royal Historical Society in 2005 and awarded the Outstanding Scholar Award from the Foundation for the Advancement of Outstanding Scholarship from 1999 to 2004. Professor Wang has published seven books including The Rise of the Ku-shih-pien Movement, Fu Ssu-nien: A Life in Chinese History and Politics, The Capillary Effects of Power: Intellectual, Mentality and Scholarship in the Ch’ing Period.