謝和平院士 (Academician Xie Heping)

謝和平,生於湖南省,中國工程院院士,十二屆全國人大代表,現任四川大學校長,兼任四川省科協主席等職務及《Geomechanics and Geoengineering: An International Journal》、《力學學報》等十餘種刊物的榮譽主編或編委。
Professor Xie Heping received his Ph. D. Degree from China University of Mining and Technology in 1987. Since 2003, Professor Xie has been the President of Sichuan University. He has long been dedicated to research in rock mechanics and engineering applications and established a macro damage mechanical model for jointed rock masses in the 1980s, opening up new frontiers of the study in fractal rock mechanics.
Professor Xie was elected as academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering in 2001. His research accomplishments have earned him the Second Prize of National Science and Technology Progress Award and the National Natural Science Award.
His research efforts over the years have resulted in over 200 journal papers, with nearly 80 of them in the SCI journals. Professor Xie has authored a number of books including Fractals in Rock Mechanics; 《灾害环境下重大工程安全性的基础研究》; 《岩石力学》; 《谢和平书法作品集》and 《谢和平书论语一百则》.