杜經寧院士 (Academician Tu King-ning)

杜經寧,材料科學專家。於臺灣大學取得機械工程學士,美國布朗大學取得材料科學碩士,哈佛大學取得應用物理學博士。他曾任職於IBM全球研究中心的總部、美國紐約IBM華生研究中心(IBM T.J. Watson Research Center)二十五年之久,並出任英國劍橋大學訪問學者,美國康乃爾大學材料學系客座教授,現在任教於加州大學洛杉磯分校材料科學工程學系,並在香港城市大學擔任訪問學者。
Professor Tu King-Ning received his Ph. D. degree in Applied Physics from Harvard University in 1968, his M. Sc. degree in Materials Science from Brown University in 1964, and his B. Sc. degree in Mechanical Engineering from National Taiwan University in 1960.
From 1968 to 1993, he spent 25 years at IBM T. J. Watson Research Center as Research Staff Member in Physical Science Department. During that period, he also served as Senior Manager of Thin Film Science Department and Materials Science Department for 10 years. In September 1993, he joined the Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering at UCLA as full professor. He is now a distinguished professor in both Department of Materials Science and Engineering and Department of Electrical Engineering at UCLA.
He is a Fellow of American Physical Society (APS), The Metallurgical Society (TMS), Materials Research Society (MRS), and an Overseas Fellow of Churchill College, Cambridge University, UK. He was president of MRS in 1981. He has been elected an academician of Academia Sinica in Taiwan in 2002.
His research interests are in metal-silicon reactions, solder reactions, nanoscale reactions, polarity effect of electromigration on interfacial reactions, and kinetic theories of interfacial reactions. Professor Tu has numerous book publications including Electronic Thin-Film Reliability, Solder Joint Technology and Electronic Thin Film Science.