Department of Media and Communication Center for Communication Research
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The Department offers a range of innovative degree programmes designed to train versatile professional communicators for the age of media convergence and information integration. Graduates are well positioned for diverse careers in the media industry and communication sectors in businesses and government organizations.

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COM News

3 Faculty Members Awarded GRF/ECS Research Grants in 2024-25 Exercise

The Department of Media and Communication (COM) has demonstrated its excellence in research, securing 3 General Research Fund (GRF grants) with funding amounting to $2.35 million. Congratulations to the following colle...

29 Students Made The Dean's List in Semester B 2023/24

The following students from Department of Media and Communication have demonstrated outstanding academic performance with SGPA 3.7 or above, earned 12 credits or more, and carry no course failures and reassessment, in ...

CityUHK Department of Media and Communication and Peking University School of Journalism and Communication Successfully Held the Student Exchange Agreement Signing Ceremony

At the opening ceremony of the 7th "Medicine, Humanity and Media" International Conference held on July 7 2024, esteemed guests, including Prof. Yuzheng REN, Standing Committee Member and Vice President of Peki...

COM Research Student Receives Top Paper Award at ICA 2024

Jia FAN, a research student from the Department of Media and Communication (COM), has recently received the Top Paper Award in the Organizational Communication Division at the 74th Annual ICA Conference. The award-winnin...


The department has had high rankings internationally over the years (e.g., ranked the 27th in 2017, 2018, and 2019 according to QS). Our faculty excel in both quantity and quality of research, further cultivating their research strengths through six research clusters/teams.

Political Communication
and Culture
New Media and Technology Strategic Communication Meta-Evaluation and Research
Integration Team (MERIT)
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