Some 288 library professionals from Hong Kong, the mainland, Taiwan, Japan and the US gathered at CityU’s Wei Hing Theratre, 30 November and 1 December, to attend
the 5th Hong Kong Innovative Users Group (HKIUG) meeting, hosted by the
Run Run Shaw Library.
The Run Run Shaw Library hosted the two-day event as a member of the HKIUG. Formed in1996, the HKIUG was established to promote communication and to seek common practice among its members in the region, which include: Chinese University of Hong Kong, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong Legislative Council, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong Trade Development Council, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hospital Authority, Judiciary Libraries, Lingnan University, University of Hong Kong and University of Macau. The event was officated by Mr Li Yiu-on, Chairperson of HKIUG, Professor Steve Ching, CityU’s Librarian, and Dr Jerry Yu, CityU’s Chief Information Officer.
“We should always consider the needs of users and put ourselves in their positions to see how we can improve our services. I believe technological innovation will help us provide more efficient services,” said Dr Yu, expressing his expectation on the development of digital libraries at the opening ceremony. In his welcoming remarks, Professor Ching said that he hoped the conference would bring new insights on information technology for library operation.
The two-day conference focused on discussions and presentations on the future of library automation and the development of digital libraries. It provided a forum for professionals and practitioners to meet face-to-face, to promote knowledge sharing and to exchange ideas on these issues.