A heart-warming reunion

Jasmine Chan and Cynthia Ou


On 20 November, CityU alumni from different fields of studies and years of graduation rejoined at the University to celebrate the 20th anniversary. They were unified in their support for the alma mater at the Alumni Banquet and shared the insights of a successful leader at the Leaders’ Forum.



“We started from humble origins,” said Professor H K Chang, CityU President, as he recounted the significant developments of the University in the past 20 years. He proudly announced the recent rankings of CityU in China and in the world at his opening address at the Leaders’ Forum. “CityU is such a young and dynamic university,” he said. “We must keep up our efforts to maintain its dynamism.” The President believed that the most important feature good universities share in common was that they had produced alumni that continually contributed to the society. “You’ve been students of CityU and your achievements will make the University great,” he believed that CityU will prosper and expand with the support, dedication and achievements of the alumni.


Mr Tsang Yam-pui talked about the attributes of successful leaders

About 200 alumni, students and staff attended the Leaders’ Forum titled “Lead Through Waves of Change, Embark on New Heights of Success” delivered by Mr Tsang Yam-pui, Executive Director of NWS Holdings Limited, and Vice Chairman of five subsidiaries of the corporation. Mr Tsang, formerly Commissioner of Police, retired in 2003 from the Hong Kong Police Force in which he worked for 38 years. He is now Adjunct Professor of  CityU's Faculty of Business. At the Forum, he shared his ideas on how to develop leadership, manage crisis and improve communication. The forum was organized by the Faculty of Business, the Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA) Alumni Association and the Development and Alumni Relations Office (DAO).


“Mr Tsang had confronted great complexity and difficulty but he pressed ahead and strived to come to the heights of success,” said Chair Professor Richard Ho, Department of Economics and Finance, as he introduced Mr Tsang. “He knows the importance of communication and is especially skilled at adopting the win-win strategy to implement reform policies as well as nurturing a sense of belonging among the employees.”


Mr Tsang described the attributes of a successful leader: be alert to current affairs; manage crisis;  and achieve effective communication. In order to enhance one’s ability to handle management crisis, Mr Tsang pointed out that one has to take

responsibility and communicate with people. "If crisis occurs, one must speak up and follow up with effective solutions.”


He particularly emphasized the importance of improving downward and upward communication and shared his experiences when

he worked as the Commissioner of Police. “Communication must be two-way,” he said. “Listening is a very important part in communication. We listen in order to know as well as to feel with our eyes and hearts.”


Alumni are stars that light up the University

Mr Tsang joined the President and about 120 alumni after the Forum to cheer for CityU’s achievements at the 20th Anniversary Alumni Banquet jointly organized by DAO and the CityU Alumni Association.


To show the efforts and solidarity of alumni in contributing to the future growth of the University, alumni representatives, joined by Professor Chang and Mr Tsang , completed a puzzle of a star which symbolized that CityU alumni would become part of the universe and shine brightly to light up the University in its long road of development. The puzzle, which formed the backdrop of the stage, was accompanied by verses that showed alumni’s wishes and vows to support the University:


Alumni represent lifelong assets for City University

Linked to celebrate 20 years of achievements

United in supporting university’s development

Mobilized to care by serving and giving

Nurturing the collective strength for a common goal

Inspired to help the University achieve new excellence.


Various forms of support to the alma mater

Participants were also treated to musical performances by alumni and students, and a video showcasing the University’s development in the past 20 years. “Graduating in 1993, I went through the fifth, 10th, 15th and now 20th anniversary with CityU. I am proud to witness all these significant milestones of my University,” said Ms Regina Ku, 1993 graduate of BA (Hons) Applied Linguistics, who was the master of ceremony of the banquet. “What I’ve learned at CityU equipped me with professional experience and most importantly, confidence to face the challenges at the workplace,” said Regina who is now the Account Director of the Horizon Creative Limited. “I’ve spent the happiest time of my life here at CityU. I hope it will continue to flourish with the concerted efforts by students and staff.”  


 “I take pride in being part of CityU and I hope CityU will also be proud of my achievements some day,” s

aid Mr Sunny Chung, 2004 graduate of BSc (Hons) Information Technology, who played the music for the video. In order to pass on the spirit of dedication to future graduates, Sunny invited Mr Chan Kin-fai, first-year student in BA (Hons) Teaching English as a Second Language, to join him in the performance. 

Alumni contributed their support to the University through services to the University and sponsorship to activities. In recognition of their generous donations, the University presented souvenirs to the major donors for the 20th anniversary and Members of the Alumni Giving Club at the banquet.


“I’ve witnessed the changes of CityU throughout my years of studies here,” said Mr Kelvin Fu, one of the major donors, has pursued one undergraduate course and three master's degree programmes in CityU. Mr Fu is now a quantity surveyor of the HKSAR Architectural Services Department. “I’m sure the programmes at CityU will continue to benefit more and more people from different professions.”


Sharing of CityU alumni


Mr Andy Wong, 1992 graduate of BSc (Hons) Computer Studies, reminded students to treasure their opportunity to study at CityU. “The professional knowledge and the interpersonal communication skills I’ve learned here help build up a foundation for my career,” said Andy who is now the Asia Pacific Chief Information Officer of Otis Elevator International Inc. He is glad to see CityU’s rapid progress and is looking forward to its 40th anniversary.


 “The 20th anniversary of CityU has a significant meaning to the society,” said Mr Paul Lo, Vice-president of Human Resources at the I-Cable Communications Limited, 2001 graduate of EMBA. “Over the past few years, the growth and achievements of the University have been huge. It has created many professionals for society.” Another EMBA graduate in 2002, Mr Weeky Wong, Managing Director of Fujikon Industrial Company Limited, commended the high academic standard of CityU professors. “All the professors in the EMBA programme are caring. What I learned from the programme benefits my career as well as my life.”


“My study at CityU gave me a correct learning attitude which I found important in my career. I hope that students can take up the responsibilities and try their best to achieve excellent performance,” said Ms Virginia Chiu, Barrister-at-law, graduate of Postgraduate Certificate in Laws, 2003. 





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