New postgraduate prospectus prepares you for the leap

Regina Lau


Plot the path of your professional education at CityU from our newly published Prospectus for Postgraduate Programmes 2003 Entry, your guide to our pioneering programmes designed to keep your finger on the pulse of the changing needs of time.


New on the list of our taught postgraduate programmes are the Master of Science in Multimedia Information Technology and the Master of Science in Materials Engineering and Nanotechnology. The former is tailor made for IT professionals who want to keep abreast of the dynamic multimedia and information technology field, such as virtual reality and telecommunication networking. The later, a revamped programme, enables applied scientists and engineers to pursue in-depth study of various aspects of materials engineering and nanotechnology, in which the field of materials science is experiencing its latest momentum.


We are entering a new era where knowledge, not wealth, means power. The advancement of knowledge through research will play an important role in sustaining the future economic growth of Hong Kong. The new era calls for a quality workforce, highly specialized in their chosen fields. Our latest postgraduate prospectus, organized under the theme of "Prepare yourself for the leap", provides you with the road map in your search for the right path. Apart from providing timely, up-to-date information on programme content, research areas, course structure and admission details, our prospectus also gives you a vivid picture of life here at CityU, your lifelong learning partner keen on helping you to achieve the best of your potential.

So read how CityU's programmes are geared to meet your academic pursuits and professional growth in our CityU Unique Offers section, which also offers you glimpses into our well-equipped research facilities, resourceful learning environment and caring culture. Last but not least, don't forget to visit our prospectus homepage on and make good use of our interactive features such as the Programme Search and the Online Application and Form Download. Copies of the prospectus will be available upon request from our Admissions Office at , or via telephone 2788 9094, from January 15.

To cater for our growing non-local applicants, both for undergraduate and postgraduate programmes, our Guide for Non-local Students, a compact directory tailor made for prospective mainland and overseas applicants, makes its debut this year. The new publication will be available both in English and Chinese versions.




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