Professor Roderick Wong receives French honour


CityU’s Dean of Research and Graduate Studies and Professor (Chair) of Mathematics Professor Roderick Wong has received the Chevalier dans l’Ordre National de la Legion d'Honneur from France for his research works in Mathematics, academic standing, and for his achievements and outstanding contributions to the furthering of links between the French and Hong Kong Mathematical communities. 


Chevalier dans l’Ordre National de la Legion d'Honneur is the highest award given by the French Republic for those who have rendered outstanding services to France. Recipients of the medal are nominated under stringent procedures. There are about 30 holders of this honour in Hong Kong. Among them, three are from CityU:  Professor Wong who was recently awarded; Professor Philippe Ciarlet, Professor (Chair) of Mathematics, who received the award in 1999; and the University President, Professor H K Chang, who received the honour in 2000.


Upon receiving the Chevalier dans l’Ordre National de la Legion d'Honneur, Professor Wong said, “I am proud to receive this honour from the French Government.  This accolade is a testimony to my contribution to research in Mathematics and tertiary education internationally.”

Professor Wong has made highly significant contributions to CityU since his arrival in 1994 as Professor of Mathematics and Head of the Department of Mathematics, through his commitment to high-quality education and research.  He was the Associate Dean and Acting Dean of CityU’s then Faculty of Science and Technology (presently the Faculty of Science and Engineering) from 1995 to 1997, and was appointed the Dean of the Faculty from 1998 to 2004.  Professor Wong is currently the Dean of Research and Graduate Studies, and Director of the Liu Bie Ju Center for Mathematical Sciences.


Professor Wong is a distinguished mathematician. He is Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, Foreign Member of the Academy of Sciences of Torino, recipient of the Killam Fellowship from the Canada Council and of the Rh Award for Outstanding Contributions to Scholarship and Research from the University of Manitoba, and former President of the Canadian Applied Mathematics Society and former President of the Hong Kong Mathematical Society. His research interests are in asymptotic analysis, perturbation methods, special functions and orthogonal polynomials, integral transforms, integral equations, and ordinary differential equations.




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