CityU and Sun Yat-Sen University sign agreement

Thelma Yim


The law schools of CityU and Sun Yat-Sen University signed an Agreement on Academic Cooperation and Exchange in March, to promote further development of the friendly relationship between the two universities. The three-year-pact aims to enhance the legal education and training of the Schools, to develop a channel for academic exchange, to increase mutual understanding of the different legal systems of their respective regions, and equip potential legal professionals with global vision.


With the signing of agreement, the two universities will strengthen legal education at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Details of the agreement include: joint student recruitment and modules tutoring; mutual academic credits recognition (including student exchange); and joint conferral of degrees. Both universities also agreed to conduct joint academic conferences and lectures, teaching staff and student exchanges, joint research programs, library resource sharing, and academic journals and materials exchanges.


“The School has constantly made efforts to develop linkages and communication channels with organizations and institutions on the mainland,” said Professor Mike McConville, Dean of CityU’s School of Law (SLW) at the signing ceremony. CityU’s School of Law has conducted research into legal issues related to the mainland’s economic development with such renowned universities as Peking University, Renmin University of China, Tsinghua University, and Fudan University.


Signing on behalf of the two universities were: Professor Liu Heng, Dean of Sun Yat-Sen University’s School of Law, and Professor Mike McConville, Dean of CityU’s SLW. The event was witnessed by Professor Zhou Lin-bin, Associate Dean of Sun Yat-Sen University; Mr Feng Yong-Fu, Deputy Director of Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan Affairs Office and Associate Professor of Southeast Asia Institute of Sun Yat-Sen University; Mr Liu Chun-yang, Deputy Director of the Office of International Cooperation and Exchange and Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan Affairs Office; Mr Ling Bing, SLW Associate Dean, and Mr Charles Qu, SLWAssistant Professor .  


To date, the SLW has formed connections with 11 mainland institutions and nine overseas tertiary law institutes, including: China University of Political Science and Law, People’s Procuratorate of Beijing Municipality; The East China University of Politics and Law; Fudan University; National Judges College; Northwest University of Political Science and Law; Peking University; Renmin University of China; Shenzhen University; Tsinghua University, Xian Intermediate People’s Court; the School of Law of Bond University in Australia; the Faculty of Law of Katholieke Universiteit Leuven in Belgium; University of Law, Economics and Sciences of Aix-Marseilles in France; the School of Law of Erasmus University Rotterdam in the Netherlands; Sri Lanka Law College in Sri Lanka, Faculty of Law of University of Colombo in Sri Lanka; Jonkoping International Business School of Jonkoping University in Sweden; the Chicago-Kent College of Law of Illinois Institute of Technology, and the Washington College of Law of American University, US. 





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