EMS participants celebrate

Grace Ho


A grand reception was held on 1 March for the 136 outstanding students selected for the Executive Mentoring Scheme (EMS) . At the reception, in the campus Multi-Purpose rooms, the students were able to meet their new mentors.

"I am so excited to learn that I have been assigned to a mentor who I admire so much," said Leung Ka-kin, a second-year student in the Department of Biology and Chemistry. "I will try my best to establish a beneficial relationship with my mentor."

In his welcoming remarks, Professor Edmond Ko, Vice-President for Education and Dean of Students, thanked both mentors and their charges for their enthusiastic support. "My heartfelt appreciation goes to all of you, for without your commitment and contribution,

the EMS wouldn't be such a big success," said Professor Ko. "This year we have invited 74 experienced professionals and business executives from the community, as well as senior staff members and distinguished alumni of the University, to serve as mentors. I am sure that so long that our mentees are willing to spend time with and humbly learn from their mentors, they will find the EMS a beneficial experience in their life."

A special feature of this year's scheme was the introduction of a gift session, where students were required to bring a book with which they are familiar, and present it to their mentors. The mentors were impressed by the memento, and considered it an excellent way in which to better understand the students.

Also participating in the event were graduating students who joined the first EMS programme two years ago. Mr William Lau, a former member of the programme, said he had gained practical advice from his mentor in regards to career planning and development.

EMS mentors also found that they too gained as much as they gave. "I very much enjoyed sharing with my mentee from whom I kept myself updated on how young people nowadays think and feel," said Mrs Michelle Tam, a counsellor.




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