CityUHK Academy of Innovation

As a leading Hong Kong academic institute in innovation education and entrepreneurship, CityUHK has established CityUHK Academy of Innovation (the “Academy”) to maintain our leading position and strive for global leadership in innovation education and talent development.

The Academy will offer a series of innovative academic programmes at PhD, Master of Science (MSc) and undergraduate (UG) levels, with a focus on deep-tech venture creation, to develop a leading international ecosystem that nurtures young entrepreneurs, incubates deep-tech start-ups and promotes university-industry collaboration.

The programmes will be designed to cater to different educational levels and professional needs, including:

The Academy will work closely with the colleges, departments, the School of Graduate Studies, and relevant administrative offices to develop these various programmes at PhD, MSc and UG levels. The instructors for these programmes will be composed of selected faculty from the relevant CityUHK academic units and external experts with industrial and investment experience.


Our People

Academy Advisors

Esteemed industry leaders, eminent business figures and CityUHK alumni who made significant contributions to shaping CityUHK's innovation and entrepreneurship development.
List of Academy Advisors

Adjunct Professors

Experienced business professionals, successful venture creators and entrepreneurs in and outside of Hong Kong.
List of Adjunct Professors

Staff Directory

Name Position Email Tel. No.
Prof. Michael TSE Director 3442-2619
Prof. Denvid LAU Associate Director
Programme Leader (MSVC)
Prof. Ron KWOK Associate Director 3442-9599
Ms Dora MAK Supervisory Executive Officer 3442-8659
Mr Tony HO Executive Officer 3442-8614
Ms Ada CHEUNG Executive Officer I 3442-5368
Ms Sandy WU Executive Officer 3442-8681
Ms Jenny LEE Clerical Officer 3442-8629
Ms Cherry PANG Clerical Officer 3442-8623

Contact Us

Phone: +852 3442-8608
Address: B7704, 7/F, Yeung Kin Man Academic Building,
City University of Hong Kong, 83 Tat Chee Avenue,
Kowloon Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR