The First Legal Training Programme for the Nanjing Lawyers Association

南京市律師協會 - 涉外法律專業實務研修班

The Legal Training Programme for Nanjing Lawyer Association was a 9-day programme that took place from 16 to 24 April 2024, in both Shenzhen and Hong Kong. The programme was co-organized by the School of Law at City University of Hong Kong and Shenzhen Qianhai one belt, one road Legal Service Federation. The Hong Kong training phase, which lasted from 21 to 24 April, included five seminars and four visits.

During the Hong Kong training phase, the trainees attended lectures delivered by Mr. WONG Sin Tuen, Deputy Secretary General of Shenzhen Qianhai one belt, one road Legal Service Federation, Mr. ZHUANG Zhongxi, Senior Counsel of China Legal Services (Hong Kong) Ltd, Mr. WANG Xizhen, Barrister at law, Prof. WONG Ming Fung, SC, Adjunct Professor of School of Law, and Prof. CHAN Chi Hin Peter, Associate Professor of School of Law.

The trainees also had the opportunity to visit the Independent Commission Against Corruption, China Legal Services (Hong Kong) Ltd, Hong Kong Bar Association, and Law Society of Hong Kong. Through the training in Hong Kong, the trainees not only deepened their understanding of foreign-related legal knowledge, but also enhanced their practical skills.

The closing ceremony was successfully held on 24 April 2024, at the Lau Ming Wai Academic Building in City University of Hong Kong. The ceremony was attended by several dignitaries, including Mr DU Chun, President Shenzhen Qianhai one belt, one road Legal Service Federation; Mr. ZHOU Xinming, Vice President of Nanjing Lawyers Association; Mr. XIE Han, Director of the Liaison Office of the Legal Department at Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong S.A.R; Prof. LIN Feng, Dean of the School of Law.

During his speech at the Closing Ceremony, Prof. LIN Feng said that he was very honoured to have the opportunity to co-organize the first Legal Training Programme with the Shenzhen Qianhai one belt, one road Legal Service Federation. He also thanked the Hong Kong government agencies and the legal profession for their unwavering support and cooperation, which made the programme success. Last but not least, he extended his gratitude towards the guest speakers and colleagues of the School of Law for their hard work.

Mr. Du Chun expressed his hope to maintain a positive and cooperative relationship with both the City University of Hong Kong and the Nanjing Lawyers Association. He hoped that this training class could be a trailblazer and make the programme better through this experience. He also emphasized the importance of foreign-related legal services and expressed his optimism in having a positive impact on the field of foreign-related legal services, to promote interaction and cooperation with Hong Kong, Macao, and the Greater Bay Area, and ultimately contribute to the development of the One Belt and One Road initiative.

Mr. ZHOU Xinming expressed his appreciation to the School of Law and Shenzhen Qianhai one belt, one road Legal Service Federation for their enthusiastic support and meticulous organization. He pointed out that this training is of great significance for improving the level of foreign-related legal services of the Nanjing Lawyers Association and also enhancing the international vision and practical capabilities of Nanjing lawyers.

南京市律師協會 - 涉外法律專業實務研修班

After the ceremony, everyone went to the CityU Chinese Restaurant for lunch to celebrate the success of this training class.

Chinese Title
南京市律師協會 - 涉外法律專業實務研修班
News Date
Chinese Body

香港城市大學法律學院及深圳市前海一帶一路法律服務聯合會合辦之南京市律師協會 - 涉外法律專業實務研修班於2024424日在城大劉鳴煒學術樓圓滿結業。

是次研修班爲期9天,由2024416日至24日在深圳和香港兩地舉行。 421日至24日為香港階段的培訓, 由香港城市大學法律學院負責。 在為期半周的密集式培訓中,學員完成了五個專題講座以及四次參訪活動,法律學院邀請了深圳前海一帶一路法律服務聯合會副秘書長黃善端律師、中國法律服務(香港)有限公司莊仲希資深律師、恒大清盤案呈請人代表王希真大律師、法律學院客座教授王鳴峰資深大律師以及陳志軒教授為學員講授。 參訪行程包括廉政公署、中國法律服務(香港)有限公司、香港大律師公會、香港律師會。透過在港階段的培訓,學員們不僅深化了對涉外法律知識的理解,也提升了實務能力。



杜春會長也在結業典禮上發表了講話。他表示與香港城市大學及南京市律師協會已是多年好友, 希望能繼續保持良好合作關係。他希望這次研修班能作爲開創,透過這次經驗把研修班越辦越出色,並強調了涉外法律服務的重要性,期盼為涉外法律服務領域帶來積極的影響,推動與港澳和大灣區的交往合作、實現一帶一路發展。


南京市律師協會 - 涉外法律專業實務研修班
