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CityU wins the 2024 Jessup Hong Kong Regional Rounds
CityU Jessup Team was declared the Hong Kong Champions of the Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition held on 17 and 18 February 2024. The Jessup Moot Competition is the oldest, largest and most prestigious international moot competition in the world, and is organised by the International Law Students Association. The competition involved around 700 law schools from around 100 countries. This year’s Jessup problem consisted of issues pertaining to standing, the deprivation of nationality, consular access and the enforceability of United Nations Security Council resolutions.
The Team consisted of Mr Harry ALLMAN-BROWN (PCLL student), Ms Valentina CHIU (JD Year-2 student), Mr Lester LI Mingyuan (LLB Year-4 student), Mr MAI Jin (JD Year-2 student), and Ms Catherine MUNG (LLB Year-3 student). The Team was coached by Ms Athena CHEUNG, Mr Michael HM LEUNG, and Ms Natalie TAM (PCLL student).
The competition involved the extensive drafting of memorials and training in advocacy. After competing against HKU and CUHK, in particular the former in the Grand Finals, the Team emerged victorious and was crowned Hong Kong Champion, and thus represented Hong Kong in the White & Case International Rounds in Washington, D.C. in April 2024. The Grand Final was adjudicated by The Honourable Geoffrey MA, GBM (Former Chief Justice of the Court of Final Appeal), Mr Anson WONG SC, and Mr Wilfred HO. In addition, the Team received the Best Applicant Memorial Award and Mr Harry ALLMAN-BROWN was awarded Second Place for Best Oralist. The Team would like to offer their sincerest gratitude towards the guest judges and the competition judges for their valuable assistance and guidance. We congratulate the Team on their achievements!

城大代表隊於 2024 年 2 月 17 日至 18 日在香港舉行的傑賽普國際法模擬法庭賽區域賽(香港)中榮獲冠軍。傑賽普國際法模擬法庭辯論賽由國際法學院學生聯盟主辦,是世界上歷史最悠久、規模最大、最負盛名的國際法模擬法庭競賽。 是次競賽共有來自約 100 個國家的約 700 所法學院參加。本年度的辯論題目包括提起訴訟的法律地位、剝奪國籍、領事探視權和聯合國安理會決議的可執行性等問題。
比賽涉及大量的訴狀起草和訟辯訓練。城大代表隊在比賽中與香港大學及香港中文大學一較高下。總決賽由馬道立先生, GBM(前任終審法院首席法官)、黃文傑資深大律師及何志銳先生擔任評判。城大代表隊在總決賽中擊敗香港大學代表隊,勇奪香港賽區冠軍,因而得以在今年四月參加於華盛頓舉行的國際總決賽。此外,城大代表隊更榮獲最佳申請人書面陳述獎,而 Harry ALLMAN-BROWN先生則榮獲最佳訟辯員第二名。