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CityU School of Law Commencement for Graduating Class of 2023
The School of Law of City University of Hong Kong (CityU) held its Commencement at Wong Cheung Lo Hui Yuet Hall, Lau Ming Wai Academic Building in two sessions on 11 May 2023, celebrating the accomplishments of the graduating class of 2023. Most of our graduates attended in person while some attended virtually.
More than 1,200 participants including faculty members and graduates from Bachelor of Laws, Juris Doctor, Master of Laws, Master of Laws in Arbitration and Dispute Resolution, Postgraduate Certificate in Laws, Doctor of Philosophy programmes, along with their parents, relatives and friends participated in this memorable event and witnessed the solemn moment. Professor LIN Feng, Acting Dean of CityU School of Law, presided at the ceremony.
The Honourable Mr Justice Joseph FOK, Permanent Judge of the Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal, first gave an address to our graduates. He had ten pieces of advice for sharing with our graduates: “First, recognize that your education in law, and in life, is a long term and ever continuing process. Second, you will not always be right. Always keep an open mind and be ready to question your own conclusions in order to test them. Third, although you cannot always be right, you do have it in your power always to be honest, ethical and principled. Fourth, remember that just as integrity is indispensable, your reputation for telling the truth, if lost, can seldom, if ever, be recovered. Fifth, another quality you have in your power to control is the diligence and industry with which you approach your work. Sixth, treat others with respect and dignity. Seventh, be reasonable in your dealings with others. Eighth, do not be afraid to ask for help or advice. Ninth, when you yourselves have progressed to the stage of being a mentor to younger lawyers, be generous to your mentees and, where possible, give them help and advice when they ask for it. Tenth, as you prosper in the future, show gratitude for your good fortune by giving back to our community.”
Professor LIN Feng congratulated all of the graduates: “You have worked hard to get to where you are today and have every reason to feel a sense of accomplishment and pride.” He also thanked their families for their endless love and support, and the faculty of the School of Law, who guided the graduates throughout their legal education. He then shared five pieces of advice with our graduates: “First, learning does not end at university, prepare to learn new things out there. Second, honesty, humility and integrity should always guide what you do. Third, be adaptable because things will change. Fourth, you will make mistakes and there are times you will feel discouraged. In such times, you must find the core of strength within yourself, pick yourself up and move on while not forgetting the lessons learnt. Finally, there is no substitute for hard work. Whatever role you will take on, be prepared to put in the effort.” He concluded by wishing all of the graduates much happiness and success ahead.
Afterwards, our graduate representatives Ms HE Shumin, Mr LO Chun Wing, Ms GUO Jiayi and Mr WONG Chun Sang each gave an address to our graduates. Their speeches are available at here.
The Commencement marks the beginning of a new journey for the graduates. CityU School of Law is confident that the graduates have what it takes to succeed, and wishes them all the very best.
林峰教授向全體畢業生表示祝賀:「你們努力學習完成學業,各位應該為自己感到自豪。」 他亦感謝畢業生家人的無限愛護和支持,以及引領學子們追求法律知識的學院教員。然後他與畢業生分享了以下五個建議:「首先,教育並不止於大學畢業,要有終生學習的態度。其次,誠實、謙遜和正直能永遠指導你向前。第三,事物會不斷改變,所以你也要隨機應變。第四,你必定會犯錯,也必定會有意志消沉的時候。這時你需要憑藉意志力去振作,將學到的教訓記在心中,然後繼續向前走。第五,努力工作是無可替代的。無論你將扮演什麼角色,都要準備好付出努力。」最後,他祝願所有畢業生在未來的歲月裡幸福快樂,前程錦繡。