Regional comparison on ciguatoxicity, hemolytic activity, and toxin profile of the dinoflagellate Gambierdiscus from Kiribati and Malaysia

Involved Members: Dr. Leo Lai CHAN

This research focuses on the ciguatera poisoning (CP) risks associated with Gambierdiscus and Fukuyoa dinoflagellates that produce Ciguatoxins (CTXs) and Maitotoxins (MTXs). The analysis revealed the presence of ciguatoxic strains of Gambierdiscus in both Kiribati and Malaysia, however, no solid evidence of their contribution to the incidence of CP outbreak was recorded. The study examined the regional differences in CP risks through a region-specific toxicological assessment of Gambierdiscus and Fukuyoa. The results showed that Gambierdiscus from both Kiribati and Malaysia had detectable ciguatoxicity, with the Kiribati strains being more haemolytic. Putative 44-methylgambierone was identified as part of the contributors to the haemolytic activity, and other unknown hydrophilic toxins produced could be potentially linked to the higher CP incidence in Kiribati. Haemolysis assay was suggested to discriminate the hydrophilic CTX precursor produced.

Zhu, J., Lee, W.H., Yip, K.C., Wu, Z., Wu, J., Leaw, C.P., Lim, P.T., Lu, C.K., Chan, L.L., (2023). Regional comparison on ciguatoxicity, hemolytic activity, and toxin profile of the dinoflagellate Gambierdiscus from Kiribati and Malaysia. Science of the Total Environment, 872, 162236. (impact factor: 10.754)
