Home Research Research Stories Main navigation Research Scopes Research Projects Awards & Achievements Research Highlights Research Stories Scholarships & Funding Research Stories New Research Discovery – High biodiversity and potential for benthic…Dr. Chan Lai Leo Associate Director, State Key Laboratory of Marine Pollution Victoria Harbour was a highly developed area with water pollution in the past, which was…MORE Shoring Up The Coastlines - Eco-tiles enhance marine biodiversity on… Professor Kenneth Mei Yee Leung Director of SKLMP (CityU) …MORE Scientist Turned Entrepreneur - Transgenic medaka technology was…Dr. Xueping Chen Chief Technology Officer, Co-founder of Vitargent Hong Kong universities have long been renowned for their achievements in exceptional basic research…MORE New Fireworm Named - The 4th biologist in the world in 100 yearsProfessor Jianwen Qiu Associate Head, Department of Biology, HKBU Nothing is more scary than encountering creatures with venomous bristles for the first time, but such…MORE Correcting the bias In estimating carbon density in tidal wetlands - 23%…Professor Shing Yip Lee Director Simon F S Li Marine Science Laboratory (CUHK) Mangroves are an incredibly effective tool against climate change by storing carbon.…MORE