During 25-26 November, 2020, Ocean University of China (OUC) and City University of Hong Kong (CityU) co-organized the Symposium on the Health Protection of the Ocean and Its High-quality Sustainable Development cum 1st Forum of Qingdao Hong Kong Marine Environment and Ecology Joint Research Centre for Young Scientists and Postgraduates in Ocean University of China.
The symposium was conducted both in face-to-face and real-time online mode, the participants in this event consisted of 60 prominent scientists and more than 200 research students from 15 academic institutes including OUC, Xiamen University (XMU), CityU, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences (RCEES), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Institute of Oceanography, CAS, and First Institute of Oceanography, Ministry of Nature Resource of the People’s Republic of China.
At the opening ceremony, Prof. Zhigang Yu, President of OUC and Prof. Wei Guo, President of CityU gave welcome remarks, respectively. Two Presidents mentioned the importance of coastal ocean health and sustainable development. They encouraged researchers work together in many research areas of common interest.
Prof. Guibin Jiang (Academician of CAS) from RCEES, CAS, Prof. Minhan Dai (Academician of CAS) from XMU, Prof. Kenneth Mei Yee Leung from SKLMP, CityU, Prof. Paul Kwan Sing Lam from SKLMP, CityU and other six distinguished scholars were invited to give plenary talks on noteworthy and cutting-edge research topics such as management of emerging chemicals of concern, coastal ocean health and sustainability, ecological engineering for enhancing marine biodiversity, and applications of aquatic biomarkers.
Experts and young scholars shared ideas on coastal ocean health and high-quality innovative development during the discussion session. This symposium successfully established a platform for academic exchange between distinguished scholars and young scientists.
More than 200 people attended the 1st Forum of Qingdao Hong Kong Marine Environment and Ecology Joint Research Centre for Young Scientists and Postgraduates on the November 26, 2020. A total of 56 young scholars and graduate students from both Mainland China and Hong Kong gave talks in six parallel sessions.