Sir Edward Youde Memorial Overseas Fellowship / Scholarship for Disabled Students 2022/23

Application Deadline:
5:30 p.m. on 17 September 2021 (Friday). Late applications will be not considered.
SEYM Fund Council Secretariat



The Sir Edward Youde Memorial Overseas Fellowship / Scholarship for Disabled Students aims at financing outstanding disabled students for overseas postgraduate or undergraduate studies.  They are expected to contribute significantly to the development of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (Hong Kong) after graduation.


  • Applicants must:
    1. be permanent residents of Hong Kong;
    2. have received at least seven and five years of continuous full-time education in Hong Kong for fellowship and scholarship respectively;
    3. hold good Honours degrees obtained in Hong Kong or equivalent qualifications OR expect to obtain such degrees or equivalent qualifications (applicable for fellowship applicants only);
    4. fulfill all application procedures and admission requirements at the institution of their choices and be offered places subsequently;
    5. have a good mastery of the language in which their studies will be undertaken; and
    6. have special educational needs as referred to in the Hong Kong Rehabilitation Programme Plan released by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (including those having physical disabilities, visual impairment, hearing impairment, speech and language impairment, attention deficit / hyperactivity disorders, specific learning difficulties, autism spectrum disorders and / or intellectual disabilities) and / or mental health needs.
  • For further details, please refer to the Information Note of the application year.


Enquiries should be made to the Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fund Council Secretariat, Room 1217, 12/F, Cheung Sha Wan Government Offices, 303 Cheung Sha Wan Road, Kowloon at telephone number 2150 6097 or 2150 6098.