Jockey Club IT Scheme for People with Visual Impairment

Application Deadline:
5 August 2021
Social Welfare Department


The Scheme aims to support non-governmental and not-for-profit organisations providing services / schooling to PVI and tertiary institutions to acquire advanced Chinese screen readers, Braille displays and accessories to facilitate PVI's surfing in the information world on Internet; and to subsidise individual PVI who requires the usage of high-performance IT for the purpose of studies or employment, but has genuine financial difficulty in the purchase of the aids.


  1. The communal service points / centres of the organisations mentioned above without the supported devices for PVI to facilitate their access to IT; and
  2. The individual PVI who demonstrate a need for the supported items for studies and / or employment purpose but their schools / employers do not provide such aids and they themselves cannot afford such aids due to genuine financial difficulty.  Applicants have to be nominated by the designated organisations and satisfy other conditions set out by the Social Welfare Department.


Items to be supported:


  1. High-performance Chinese screen reader
  2. Braille display of 40 cells
  3. Accessories/ portable devices


SEN Support Service

Office: Student Development Services, 6/F, Bank of China (Hong Kong) Complex

Tel: 3442 5417
