The FANs Awards

Academic Improvement Awards for Student Leaders


Selection Criteria Award Amount (HK$) Maximum No. of Awards
The awards shall be offered to full-time UGC-funded undergraduate students who:
  • have provided satisfactory track records on their contribution and services for serving the University and/or the community in the current academic year;
  • have obtained a citation detailing the role of being student leaders from a relevant academic and/or administrative unit of the University;
  • have shown the biggest improvement as reflected in their GPA in Semester B as compared with the GPA in Semester A in the current academic year; and such an improvement as reflected should be >0.1; and
  • have achieved a CGPA 2.5 or above by the end of Semester B in the current academic year.
$5,000@ (an one-off award) 10



  1. Each award recipient is expected to make an annual donation of at least HK$200 to CityUHK for student support via "CityUHK Alumni Giving Club" when they are in employment after graduation. The aim is to nurture and sustain the caring and giving culture in the University. To make a donation, you can visit the website:
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