Professor Wei Bao elected to Fellow of Physical Society of Hong Kong

Prof Wei Bao

Professor Bao Wei

Prof Bao's CityU Scholars Profile

Physical Society of Hong Kong (PSHK)

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PSHK Fellows

Professor Wei Bao was elected as the only recipient of the 2022 Physical Society of Hong Kong (PSHK) Fellowship for his "seminal works on correlated electron systems and disordered quantum systems subjected to the extreme conditions using neutron scattering techniques".

Professor Wei Bao is currently a Chair Professor at the Department of Physics, City University of Hong Kong. He obtained B.Sc in astrophysics from Peking University, his M.S. from the Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and his Ph.D. from the Johns Hopkins University. He worked as a consultant in the AT&T Bell Labs., Murray Hill, NJ in 1994, a postdoctoral fellow at Brookhaven National Laboratory from 1995 to 1998, a technical staff member at Los Alamos National Laboratory from 1998 to 2009, and a National Qianren Professor at Renmin University from 2009 to 2019. Prof. Bao is a Fellow of American Physics Society. He has served in three subject executive committees of Chinese Physics Society and in the Science and Technology Committee of the Department of Education, PRC.

Professor Bao has worked mainly on correlated electron systems and disordered quantum systems often in the extreme conditions of low temperature, high pressure, and high magnetic field, using various types of elastic and inelastic neutron scattering techniques at most major international neutron user facilities over the world. He published 80 papers on the Mott-Hubbard Metal-Insulator Transition, CMR, orbital order, reentrant spin glass, itinerant magnetism, low-dimensional quantum antiferromagnets, and novel superconductivity in heavy-fermion, cuprate and Fe-based materials with more than 7800 citations. He has delivered more than 200 invited lectures in international conferences, colloquia and seminars. In addition to frontier research in condensed matter physics, he has led and completed the CNY 130M project of the design and construction of a suite of cold neutron inelastic neutron spectrometers at CARR outside Beijing, adding polarized neutron capacity in China and realizing a highly efficient multichannel design.

Established in 2018, the PSHK Fellowship recognizes individuals who have or have been engaged in the community of physical sciences or related fields in Hong Kong and demonstrated exceptional scientific achievements in physics-related research and recognitions by his/her professional peers.

27 July 2022  #achievement