PHY BSc graduate shared the AIstain technology with the media

Miss Cherry Chan (left) and Prof Condon Lau shared the AIstain technology with the media

[Photo caption: Miss Cherry Chan (left) and Prof Condon Lau shared the AIstain technology with the media (photo by MingPao)]

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ITsci Company Limited

HK Tech 300

Miss Cherry CHAN Cheuk Ying, together with Professor Condon LAU, shared the AIstain technology with the media in Nov 2024.

Cherry is the Research Manager for ITsci - a technology start-up developing advanced, AI-based cancer diagnostic solutions for veterinary applications. Cherry is a graduate of our BSc Applied Physics programme and also one of the founders of ITsci. Soon after graduation in 2021, she officially joined the company, moving from CityUHK physics student to a new role as a high-tech entrepreneur.

Media coverage (4 Nov 2024):

  1. 信報 HKEJ: 
  2. 明報 MingPao: 大診斷毛孩淋巴瘤 研新技術省時免開刀
  3. 星島 Sing Tao Daily: 城大初創改進「AI染色」 抽血診斷動物淋巴瘤
  4. 文匯報 Wen Wei Po: 城大訓練AI睇樣本 速辨貓狗淋巴癌
  5. 商報 HKCD: 城大投資初創企業研發AI染色系統獲獎 研究有助診斷貓狗淋巴腫瘤
  6. AM730: 城大學者研AI染色系統 助快速診斷貓狗淋巴癌或腫瘤

10 January 2025  #achievement