Miss RANGDHOL Khushi Vishwanath from India, a year 3 student from our BSc Physics (GREAT Stream) programme, shared her learning and research experience at City University of Hong Kong with RTHK. With Hong Kong’s embracing culture and world-class research standards, she explores the Physics research area that interests her.
Click to view the RTHK programme《鏗鏘集 - 留學香港》:

Global Research Enrichment and Technopreneurship (GREAT) is one of the Flagship Programmes offered by CityUHK. GREAT is a 4-Year undergraduate option introduced in 2021/2022 aiming to nurture students who are interested in pursuing a career in scientific research or starting business ventures that involve the use of new scientific discoveries and innovative technologies. Students will be admitted to the College of Science and study a tailored common first-year curriculum. After one year of study, students will have a free choice of GREAT streams offered by the Departments of Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics.
8 December 2025