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An Electronic System for Creating an Image and a Method of Creating an Image
Computer/AI/Data Processing and Information Technology


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Photography and videos are the typical means for recording light or other electromagnetic radiations of real objects. Such visual information of the objects for presenting to one or more observers are generally captured electronically by means of image sensors such as CCD (Charge-coupled Device) and CMOS (Complementary Metal-oxide Semiconductor), or alternatively captured chemically by means of light-sensitive material such as photographic films. These electronically or chemically recorded materials may then be further processed by image editing software or by photographers in a darkroom.

In some advanced image editing processes, a number of captured images may be processed, for example, by superimposing into a single image and represented in a specific arrangement, thereby providing a visual impression of an object viewed at different angle to the observers. The perception of the observers may be confounded by the visual representation, such that their eyes are under a perception of viewing a real object or a virtual object appears to be a real object inserted into a real scene based on the visual information provided by the processed images.


The present invention relates to an electronic system for creating an image and a method for creating an image, and particularly, although not exclusively, to an electronic system for creating a three-dimensional image and a method of creating a three-dimensional image.
An electronic system and a method for creating an image includes a display arranged to display a plurality of two-dimensional representations within a three-dimensional space, wherein the plurality of two-dimensional representations are arranged to individually represent a portion of a three-dimensional object within the three-dimensional space; and an imager arranged to capture the plurality of two-dimensional representations being displayed within the three-dimensional space; wherein the plurality of two-dimensional representations in a plurality of predefined positions are combined to form an image representative of the three-dimensional object within the three-dimensional space.


  • Providing enhanced two-dimensional representations for creating a fully covered three-dimensional image.


  • Two-dimensional representation of a 3D object
  • Computerized light painting
  • Aesthetic visual arts
  • Commercial photography


IP Status
Patent granted
Technology Readiness Level (TRL)
Mr. TSANG Sze Chun
Miss HUANG Yaozhun
Mr. CHEN Bin
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An Electronic System for Creating an Image and a Method of Creating an Image


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