Membership Categories

Be a CityUHK Foundation member

CityUHK welcomes individuals, corporations and foundations to make donations and join the CityUHK Foundation. Donations made to CityUHK will be counted towards the CityUHK Foundation membership. Membership is for life and cash donations are cumulative. When a member’s cumulative donation reaches a predetermined amount, the membership will be upgraded.

CityUHK cherishes your staunch support which will definitely make a difference to the future of our students, the University and society.


Membership Category Donation Amount
Honorary Patron HK$10,000,000 or above
Honorary President HK $5,000,000 or above
Honorary Vice-President HK $1,000,000 or above
Honorary Director HK $500,000 or above
Principal Member HK $200,000 or above
Senior Member HK $100,000 or above
Ordinary Member HK $50,000 or above

