Page 66 - Annual Report 2016-2017
P. 66

Membership Categories


               CityU welcomes individuals, corporations and  城大 歡迎個人、企業和其他基金會
               foundations  to make  donations and  join the CityU   捐款,成為城大基金會員。基金會籍為
               Foundation. Donations made to CityU will be counted   終身制,會員捐予城大的現金款項會累積
               towards the CityU Foundation membership. Membership   計算,當捐款累積至特定金額,會員可獲
               is for life and cash donations are cumulative. When a   提升至較高的會員類別。
               member’s cumulative donation reaches a predetermined
               amount, the membership will be upgraded.              城大衷心感激所有慷慨支持大學的捐獻

               CityU cherishes  your staunch  support  which  will
               definitely make a difference to the future of our
               students, the University and society.

                                  Membership Category               Donation Amount*
                                  會員類別                              捐款金額

                                  Honorary Patron                   HK$10,000,000 or above
                                  最高榮譽會長                            港幣1,000萬元或以上
                                  Honorary President                HK$5,000,000 or above
                                  榮譽會長                              港幣500萬元或以上
       City University of Hong Kong Foundation  香港城市大學基金
                                  Honorary Vice-President           HK$1,000,000 or above
                                  榮譽副會長                             港幣100萬元或以上
                                  Honorary Director                 HK$500,000 or above
                                  榮譽會董                              港幣50萬元或以上

                                  Principal Member                  HK$200,000 or above
                                  首席會員                              港幣20萬元或以上

                                  Senior Member                     HK$100,000 or above
                                  資深會員                              港幣10萬元或以上
                                  Ordinary Member                   HK$50,000 or above
                                  普通會員                              港幣5萬元或以上

                                   *  The donation amount is subject to the University's regular review.
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